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We are delighted that you are interested in or have already decided to do research and a doctorate at TU Bergakademie Freiberg. All services and programmes offered by GraFA ideally complement an individual doctorate and support your professional success in research and development inside and outside the university.

At TU Bergakademie Freiberg you have the opportunity to choose how you would like to do your doctorate. All information on conventional or structured doctoral training, the contact details of the doctoral office and important documents can be found under the link above.

You have decided to do a doctorate. What happens next? Under the links above you will find information on application and admission, funding opportunities and legal matters.

The GraFA offers a comprehensive continuing education programme geared towards research and teaching activities, as well as special programmes and events to support young researchers.

The writing phases of academic articles and doctoral theses can be a major challenge for young academics. How do I get started? How do I maintain concentration? The writing workshop is an offer for focussed and structured writing. Follow the link for more information and registration.

The GraFA staff will help you with questions about your doctorate, support with doctoral crises and coaching for early career researchers.

Are you planning a stay abroad during your doctorate? You can find more information on the opportunities for stays abroad via scholarships or information on double doctoral agreements under the link.

A doctorate is an investment in the future that opens up positions in both academic and non-academic fields. Find out here about career paths after a doctorate.

Every November, we bid farewell to the doctoral and post-doctoral graduates who have completed their degrees in the past two semesters.

Representation of interests

In addition to the GraFA, you will also find support from the following university initiatives:

The Doctoral Council (ProRat) represents the interests of all doctoral students at TU Bergakademie Freiberg. The ProRat is not an official university committee, it is elected every two years as part of a plenary session of doctoral students.

The Staff Council ensures compliance with the legal provisions that are important for employees. Its tasks include receiving suggestions and complaints and helping to resolve them.

The family-friendly university stands for the compatibility of studies, academic career, career and starting a family as well as the fulfilment of family-related obligations, such as caring for relatives. TU Bergakademie works towards this goal through various activities and networks.

Equal opportunities, gender equality, family friendliness and open dialogue with different cultures and ideas are anchored in the mission statement of TU Bergakademie Freiberg. The focus is on the promotion of young female scientists, the integration of gender equality indicators into quality management and the strengthening of gender issues in teaching and research. More on the gender equality concept at the link above.