TU Bergakademie Freiberg awards scholarships for more equal opportunities in order to support international students who have to overcome special challenges and life circumstances. The funds are provided by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) as part of t he Scholarship and support programme STIBET.
As a rule, the funding amount is 300 euro per month for a period of up to three months.
- Full-time study or doctorate (no German course participant, no exchange student), enrolled at TUBAF
- special challenges and/or life circumstances, for example: disabilities or chronic illnesses, health restrictions, family members in need of care, special care situations such as long-t erm care for a sick child, unforeseen family or personal challenges
- The applicant must stay in Germany during the funding period; funding for stays abroad is not possible
- no existing application or confirmed funding from the Jobcenter, the Social Welfare Office or the Office for Educational Support (BAföG)
There are two application deadlines per academic year: February 15 and August 15.
The application consists of several documents that you must submit to the International Office. Please observe the application deadlines and submit complete application documents only.
- Application form (file type: *.docx, file size: 34 kB)
- CV
- Enrolment certificate (latest available), showing all semesters
- Transcript of Records (showing all results including failed subjects and grades, ECTS version printed from online service)
- Form "Current and past financing your studies" (file type: *.docx, file size: 20 kB)
- Time schedule for the completion of your final thesis and for the completion of your (doctoral) studies, respectively; agreed upon and signed by your supervisor
- Letter of recommendation from a faculty member at TUBAF (see explanations below)
- Declaration on data collection (file type: *.pdf, file size: 498 kB)
Please submit your application documents in paper form. Your contact person at the International Office is Ms. Manuela Junghans, address: Akademiestraße 6, room EG.19.
If the building is locked, please drop the application documents in the mail box outside at the main university building Akademiestraße 6. The mail box is located to the left of the large access gate to the inner courtyard.
In exceptional cases, the application can be submitted by manuela [dot] junghans [at] iuz [dot] tu-freiberg [dot] de (e-mail).
If you have questions regarding the grant, please contact Ms. Manuela Junghans.
- Financial support such as scholarships (e.g. Deutschlandstipendium), Erasmus grants, Agricola grants, BAföG, and salary will be taken into consideration.
- The grant can be awarded to an individual only once.