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With the completion of the winter semester, students of the module "scientific Diving I" have taken the first step towards scientific work in a new environment.

Scientific diver underwater with writing tablet
Scientific diver underwater with writing tablet

With the written examination for the module "Scientific Diving I" and successful participation in the lecture "Aquatic Ecosystems", the foundation stone for an internationally recognised qualification as a scientific diver has been laid.

Diving at Johannesbad in the summer semester
Diving at Johannesbad in the summer semester

During the practical training in the Johannisbad, the students have several key tasks to practise. For example, the training includes distance diving and apnoea exercises as well as rescue excecises and knots. In addition, the scientific basics of underwater documentation are taught using a drawing board and underwater cameras. All these small documentary tasks are part of the grade for the "Scientific Diving I" module.

If you are interested in the course, you can take part in the summer semester if you fulfil the necessary requirements. More detailed information can be found here.

Enrolment in the course takes place at the beginning of the summer semester on the first two days of the lecture period in the foyer of the new canteen. If you have any questions about the course in advance, please feel free to write or call us.

Scientific Diving Center
Dr.-Ing. Thomas Grab, Gustav-Zeuner-Straße 7, Zimmer 303
Thomas.Grab [at] +49 3731 39-3004