The expansion of the field-diagnostic characterisation of sub-hydric soils (classification according to KA 5 standard) requires the need for horizontally stable sampling of sub-hydric samples. Current methods make it difficult to obtain a comprehensive pedological description of the sampling site and to obtain high-quality, horizontally stable samples. These are necessary in order to be able to clearly address and describe the soil-forming processes and different horizons.

The use of scientific divers for soil characterisation and high-quality sampling is a challenge, but offers great potential for soil research in sub-hydric environments.
Requirements for undisturbed soil sampling:
- Use of specialists: soil and geoscientists / scientific divers
- Documentation and classification based on KA 5 and on undisturbed soil outcrops
- Horizontally stable, undisturbed sampling and safe transport under water and on land
- Compliance with all safety-relevant standards during the dives
- Acquisition of sufficient sample material for documentation and soil analysis
- Practicable time management for efficient dive planning and organisation of work processes (dive entry points, equipment, etc. dive-specific requirements)
- L. Hohenstein, F. Franzke, S. Pose, T. Grab, T. Fieback. (2023)
Subhydrische Böden- Dokumentation und Probenahme durch wissenschaftliche Taucher
Jahrestagung der Deutschen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft, 06.09.2023, Halle(Saale) - Sinapius, R., Joisten, H., Franzke, F., Schad, P. (2023).
Klasse J: Subhydrische Böden. In: Joisten, H., et al. Böden Deutschlands, Österreichs und der Schweiz.
Springer Spektrum, Berlin, Heidelberg.