On 1 January 2020, the interdisciplinary ESF junior research group RoBiMo began its work at TU Bergakademie Freiberg on the topic of robot-assisted inland water monitoring. The junior research group is being supported by the Free State of Saxony with funding from the European Social Fund until the end of December 2022.
Project introduction RoBiMo
ESF junior research group
The main objectives of the ESF junior research group RoBiMo:
- 3D depth-resolved recording of inland water quality parameters with an autonomous swimming robot
- Development of new sensors to determine nitrate and microplastic content
- Validation of the results with in situ measurements and sampling by scientific divers to carry out further analytical methods
- Geoscientific evaluation of water quality parameters and respiration fluxes for a better understanding of limnic processes
- Visualisation of the data using artificial intelligence and virtual reality methods
Work packages
RoBiMo is divided into several closely linked work packages, which the young scientists work on together, in an interdisciplinary manner and supervised by the respective professorship. These five work packages and their objectives are now presented.
Scientific Diving Centre (SDC)
- Development of a microplastic filter system for sampling inland waters by divers and integration into the measurement concept of the "Elisabeth" swimming robot
- Coordination and technical support of 3 measurement campaigns on and under water
- Determination of ground truth data by in-situ measurement of selected water quality parameters
- Exploration of the study waters with targeted sampling of selected areas of the inland waters (groundwater inflows, Further development of measurement technology and methods for underwater water and sediment investigation
- Detection of underwater obstacles using photogrammetry as training data for the artificial intelligence algorithm
Sensor technology (ESM)
- Design, construction and optimisation of a modular multiparameter sensor measuring chain for 3D depth-resolved recording of various limnologically relevant parameters
- Development of a new type of nitrate sensor including integration into the multiparameter measuring chain
- Optimisation of the entire measuring system with regard to mass and power consumption
Biogeochemistry (IÖZ)
- Adaptation and application of a modified dynamic chamber system (based on the SEMACH-FG/SEACH-FG developed at the TU Bergakademie Freiberg) for the autonomous measurement of respiratory gas fluxes of CO2, CH4 and N2O (CO2 via an in-situ measurement via infrared gas analyser and all 3 greenhouse gases via gas sampling interface for subsequent gas chromatography in the laboratory)
- Evaluation of the flux data obtained for modelling the respiration gas fluxes for the selected model lakes
- Detection of carbon and nitrogen stocks in the sediment based on multi-core sampling and characterisation of the sediments as greenhouse gas sinks or sources
- Comparison of the results of the autonomous measurements with a data basis for the model lakes obtained by manual measurements
Hydrogeology (GEO)
- Determination of the water quality parameters to be investigated for a better understanding of spatially and temporally changing conditions in inland waters
- Selection of the water bodies to be sampled with regard to important hydrogeological issues, such as groundwater-surface water interaction
- Analysis of the water samples taken for other water quality constituents in the hydrogeological water laboratory
- Hydrogeological evaluation of the data obtained
The team of the sister project AIRGEMM is working on the further development of the swimming robot and data processing, in particular with artificial intelligence. A more comprehensive description can be found on the AIRGEMM project website.
- Pose, Sebastian, Grab, Thomas, & Fieback, Tobias. (2022). Photogrammetrie zur Erstellung detaillierter 3D-Modelle von Unterwasserobjekten. In Photogrammetrie Laserscanning Optische 3D-Messtechnik / Beiträge der Oldenburger 3D-Tage 2022 (pp. 406–413). Wichmann VDE Verlag GmbH. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.6607084
- Pose, S., Reitmann, S., Licht, G., Grab, T., Fieback, T.: RoBiMo –The tasks of scientific divers for robot-assisted fresh-water monitoring, Freiberg Online Geoscience, Vol. 58, ISSN1434-7512, S. 32-38, June 2021
- Jarosch, L., Pose, S., Reitmann, S., Dreier, O., Licht, G., Röder, E.; Roboter für das Wasser der Zukunft, Acamonta, 2020, Freiberg, Deutschland
- Pose, S.; Reitmann, S.; Jarosch, L.; Dreier, O.; Röder, E.; Licht, G.: Automatisiertes Gewässermonitoring, WWT Wasserwirtschaft Wassertechnik, 04/2020, Berlin, Deutschland
Press releases:
- 10.01.2023 Fernsehbeitrag Roboterboote Einfach genial MDR-Fernsehen ab min 17:10
- 25.08.2021: Roboter-Umweltsystem auf Messfahrt in sächsischen Gewässern
- 06.08.2020: Wie die Talsperre Klingenberg atmet (Sächsiche Zeitung)
- 10.07.2020: Erster Test für neues Roboter-Umweltmonitoring-System der TU Bergakademie Freiberg
- 10.07.2020: Robotergestütztes Binnengewässer-Monitoring (RoBiMo)
- 10.07.2020: Erster Test für neues Roboter-Umweltmonitoring-System
- 30.01.2020: Trinkwasser: Stauseemonitoring in Echtzeit
- 29.01.2020: Intelligentes Robotersystem verbessert Trinkwasserkontrolle in Binnengewässern
- 20.01.2020: RoBiMo Kick-Off-Meeting
Presentations / Posters:
- Pose, Sebastian, Licht, Gero, Röder, Eric, Jarosch, Lisa, Dreier, Otto, Grab, Thomas, & Fieback, Tobias. (2022, June 10). Robot assisted inland water monitoring. 73. BHT: 9. PhD-Conference, Freiberg, Germany.
- Pose, Sebastian, Licht, Gero, Röder, Eric, Jarosch, Lisa, Dreier, Otto, Grab, Thomas, & Fieback, Tobias. (2022, June 9). Robot assisted inland water monitoring for subsurface detection, water parameter and respiration measurement. 73. BHT: Robotics for Mining, Underground Inspection & Environmental Monitoring (73rd BHT: Specialist Colloquium 2), Freiberg, Germany. Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.6627630
- Jarosch, L. and Scheytt, T.: Influence of climate conditions and lake characteristics on the former lignite mining pit Lohsa I, EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-2724, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu22-2724, 2022.
- Jarosch, L.; Scheytt, T.: Einfluss von Klima und Grundwasser auf Tagerestseen in der Lausitz - Beispiel Speicherbecken Lohsa I, Vortrag, 23.-25.03.2022, 28. Tagung der Fachsektion Hydrogeologie e.V. in der DGGV e.V., Online
- Pose, Sebastian, Grab, Thomas, & Fieback, Tobias. (2022, February 3). Photogrammetrie zur Erstellung detaillierter 3D-Modelle von Unterwasserobjekten. 20. Oldenburger 3D-Tage, Oldenburg, Germany. Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.6276569
- Dreier, O.; Güth, F.; Joseph, Y.: Multiparameter-Messkette für tiefenaufgelöste Gewässerüberwachung, Poster, 15. Dresdner Sensor-Symposium 2021, 06.-08.12.2021, Online, DOI: 10.5162/15dss2021/P4.7
- Pose, Sebastian, Jarosch, Lisa, Dreier, Otto, Licht, Gero, Röder, Eric, Grab, Thomas, & Fieback, Tobias. (2021, September 27). Robotergestütztes Binnengewässer Monitoring zur Untergrunderfassung, Wasserparametermessung und Respirationsmessung. 36. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Limnologie, Leipzig,Germany. Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.6320334
- Pose, Sebastian, Reitmann, Stefan, Licht, Gero, Grab, Thomas, & Fieback, Tobias. (2021, April 21). RoBiMo - The tasks of scientific divers for robot-assisted fresh-water monitoring. 6th European Conference on Scientific Diving 2021 (6. ECSD), Freiberg, Germany. Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.6278124
- Jarosch, L.; Pose, S.; Dreier, O.; Scheytt, T.; Joseph, Y.; Fieback, T.; Matschullat, J.: RoBiMo Robotergestütztes Binnengewässer Monitoring, Poster, 30.07.2020, Freiberg, Deutschland
- Pose, S.; Dreier, O.; Jarosch, L.; Joseph, Y.; Fieback, T.; Scheytt, T.; Matschulatt, J.: RoBiMo: Robotergestütztes Binnengewässer-Monitoring, Poster, 30.04.2020, Freiberg, Deutschland
- Joseph, Y.; Dreier, O.; Jarosch, L.; Pose, S.; Röder, E.; Licht, G.; Reitmann, S.: RoBiMo – Robotergestütztes Binnengewässer Monitoring, Poster, 04.03.2020, Freiberg, Deutschland
- Dreier, O.: RoBiMo – Robotergestütztes Binnengewässer Monitoring, Pitch Vortrag, 04.03.2020, Freiberg, Deutschland