
Lecture ‘Underwater science - methods for scientific work under water, the fascination of water’
In the lecture, the methodological basics of underwater working techniques are taught, which are underpinned by case studies from the marine geosciences and biology as well as limnological, hydro/gas-chemical and microbiological issues.
The development of measuring devices and the realization of measurements requires interdisciplinary cooperation with engineers. Underwater research therefore offers a highly interesting combination of geoscientific and engineering issues.
Structure of the lecture content:
- Thematic block I: Oceanology/marine biology (ecology of hard and soft substrates and dangerous marine animals)
- Thematic block II: Applied (geo)sciences with reference to recent-paleo comparisons (ecosystems & climate)
- Thematic block III: Working methods above and under water
- Thematic block IV: Measurement of temperature fields and pollutant concentrations
- Thematic block V: Photo documentation under water
Course recognition: is possible in all degree programs at the TU Bergakademie Freiberg, if there is a free elective area.
Information about the lecture:
- Module duration: 1 semester
- Module description: here
- Frequency: every winter semester
- When: Thursdays at 18:00
- Where: Lampadius Building, Room LAM-2090 (2nd floor)
- Who: Dr Thomas Pohl, Prof Broder Merkel, Prof Tobias Fieback
- Registration: not required / OPAL course
- Credit points: 3 credits (with successfully passed exam)