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The International Office offers the following support services for international guest researchers and for professors receiving them:

Guest stay at TUBAF

  • Support in preparing an invitation
  • Advice on funding opportunities
  • Preparations in the home country

Establishing a Research or Teaching Cooperation with Foreign Partners

  • Conclusion of contracts and university agreements
  • Funding opportunities in research and teaching
  • Funding opportunities for events

Contact Persons at the International Office

Julia Sishchuk
Direktorin International Office
Universitätshauptgebäude, Akademiestraße 6, Zimmer EG.07
09599 Freiberg
Iuliia.Sishchuk [at] +49 3731 39-2625
Torsten Mayer
Programmstudierende, Gastwissenschaftler
Hauptgebäude, Akademiestraße 6, Zimmer EG.21
09599 Freiberg
torsten.mayer [at] +49 3731 39-3191

Checklist for the reception of visiting researchers

Content: 1. Preparations for the guest stay, 2. Contract for a guest stay, 3. Accommodation in Freiberg, 4. Insurances, 5. User account and guest cards, 6. Register at the Citizens' Registration Office


The German Federal Government provides information on the portal "Make it in Germany" about the visa and entry process for researchers.

The compact step-by-step guide "Visa for research" describes the steps from the preparations to the application forms:

Download guide "Visa for research"

The stay of visiting scholar at TUBAF must be reported by the receiving professor to the Human Resources Department. For this purpose, a "Contract on a Guest Stay" (form see below) must be drawn up and submitted to the department.
If the guest is a citizen of a non-EU country, a copy of the visa must also be submitted.

Contract with a visiting scholar at TUBAF (intranet document, can only be accessed from the campus network or from terminals with an existing VPN connection)

Organisations and Initiatives

Financial support in research tasks of all disciplines, promotion of young researchers within the framework of qualification programmes and talent promotion. Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)

Information and advice centre for mobile researchers who are coming to Germany or would like to go to another country. Part of a Europe-wide network of EURAXESS Service Centres. The aim of these centres is to facilitate the international mobility of researchers. EURAXESS Germany

A pan-European initiative delivering information and support services to professional researchers. EURAXESS  Researchers In Motion

Offers German researchers working temporarily or permanently in North America the opportunity to maintain their connection with Germany and German science, to communicate with each other and to network.
GAIN is a joint initiative of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (AvH), the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and the German Research Foundation (DFG).
The Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft, Deutsche Krebshilfe e.V., the Helmholtz Association of German Research Institutions, the Max Planck Society, the Leibniz Association, the German National Academic Foundation and the German Rectors' Conference are associate members. German Academic International Network – GAIN

A database with the profiles of excellent female researchers from all disciplines. It is intended to facilitate the search for suitable female scientists for scientific leadership positions. AcademiaNet

The German Scholars Organization is a non-profit association with offices in Berlin and San Francisco. The network brings together over 4,000 German academics working abroad. The majority of them hold doctorates and work as postdocs or professors at elite universities. At more than 40 locations around the world, they meet for academic get-togethers to exchange ideas, network and stay in touch with their home countries. German Scholars Organization

"Wissenschaft im Dialog" (Science in Dialogue) is committed to the discussion and exchange about research in Germany, organises dialogue events, exhibitions and competitions and develops new formats of science communication. "Wissenschaft im Dialog" is supported by all major science organisations and foundations as well as the Federal Ministry of Education and Research. Wissenschaft im Dialog / Science in Dialogue

Scicomm Support is a service for scientists and science communicators who experience attacks and unobjective conflicts due to their science communication. Scicomm-Support

The Institute of International Education (IIE), based in New York, was founded as a non-profit organisation in 1919. Today it is the largest organisation in the international higher education sector worldwide and offers numerous services for higher education institutions, international students, graduates and researchers. IIE offers global networking within the international higher education sector. Institute of International Education

As the oldest science academy in the world (founded in 1652), Leopoldina brings together around 1,500 researchers from Germany, Austria, Switzerland and numerous other countries. As Germany's National Academy, the Leopoldina represents German science in international bodies and takes an independent stand on the scientific foundations of political and social issues. In addition to a variety of funding programmes, the Leopoldina provides information on current publications in the science sector, science topics as well as current events in the science dialogue. Leopoldina: National Academy of Science

Main areas are scientific recommendations and statements, knowledge transfer and networking of science and industry, promotion of young scientists in technical professions as well as the international representation of the technical sciences. In addition, the Academy pursues the goal of supporting the transfer of knowledge between science and industry and promoting the next generation of technical scientists. National Academy of Science and Engineering

Portal on the scientific research and funding landscape in Germany. International researchers can find out here about funding and career opportunities in Germany as well as the latest news in the field of science. In addition, they receive support in preparing a research stay. The portal is published by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research and edited by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).  Research in Germany – Land of Ideas

Schooling of family members

Online registration portal for pupils

School attendance is compulsory in Germany. Since 26 February 2024, all newly arrived pupils must be registered via the registration portal of the State School Directorate ("Landesschuldirektion" – LASUB). The registration form is available in German and English.