With much applause, five students from different disciplines were certified as internationally recognised "Scientific Diver".
Prof. Dr Tobias Fieback, Head of the Scientific Diving Centre, and Dr Thomas Pohl, the main instructor responsible, presented the students with their hard-earned and deserved certificates and their new diving certification.

The programme comprises two modules with 11 ECTS, including a lecture, several assignments and an excursion with an independent scientific project. During the 14-day excursion in September 2023, the 5 students worked underwater for 4710 minutes. All this at a total maximum depth of 2242 m and during a total of 84 dives. The thematic focus of this excursion was the investigation of the calcareous nodule red algae population and the competitive behaviour between gorgonians and algae. In addition, hydrochemical parameters were measured and photogrammetric reconstructions were carried out.
During this time, over 12,000 photos were taken, more than 100 water values were measured and 12 water samples were taken for analysis in the laboratories of the TU Bergakademie Freiberg. In addition, over 20 biosamples were analysed in the field laboratory. In addition to their technical knowledge, the students also acquired important soft skills. Working in a team, coordination and successful communication as well as presentation techniques were important factors in the success of the entire excursion.
Following the award ceremony, a brief outline of the developments and activities of the Scientific Diving Centre was given. Here, the more than 30 guests were presented with the activities carried out and given a brief outlook on future plans.
As a scientific and thematic highlight, Prof. Dr Andreas Fichtner, in the field of diving medicine, spoke about the results of accompanying medical research. This was carried out in cooperation with the Scientific Diving Centre during the excursions in 2019 and 2022. This provided important insights into improving diving safety for everyone and the effects of personal factors on the gas bubbles that occur in the body after the dive.
In addition to the aquatic themes of the evening, the history and significance of the venue was also honoured. With an individual guided tour by Prof. Dr Mischo in the "Alte Elisabeth", everyone was given an otherwise closed insight into the active ventilation shaft and the rescue route for the research and training mine of the TU Berkademie Freiberg.
After refreshments at the buffet and a colourful selection of drinks, there was one more item on the agenda. Finally, a video of the 2023 excursion recorded and produced by Silke Kluge was shown. It shows a summary of all the work and areas of investigation and also whets the appetite of young divers from the current training year for the diverse, exciting and technically complex work as a scientific diver at the TU Bergakademie Freiberg.
Further informations about the scientific diving center you can find here: https://tu-freiberg.de/en/sdc