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[1] P. Scheller, R. Hagemann, Model Investigations on Slag Entrainment in Continuous Casting, Archives of Metallurgy and Materials 57 (2012).

[2] S.-J. Lee, J. Mola, B.C. De Cooman, Conversion Model for the Martensitic Transformation of Banded Austenite in a Ferrite Matrix, Metall Mater Trans A 43 (2012) 4921-4925.

[3] A. Kovalev, A. Jahn, A. Weiß, S. Wolf, P.R. Scheller, STT and DTT Diagrams of Austenitic Cr-Mn-Ni As-Cast Steels and Crucial Thermodynamic Aspects of γ → α′ Transformation, Steel Research International 83 (2012) 576-583.

[4] J.L. Klug, R. Hagemann, N.C. Heck, A.C.F. Vilela, H.P. Heller, P.R. Scheller, Fluorine-Free Mould Powders for Slab Casting: Crystallisation Control in the CaO-SiO2-TiO2-Na2O-Al2O3 System, Steel Research International 83 (2012) 1186-1193.

[5] R. Hagemann, H.-P. Heller, S. Lachmann, S. Seetharaman, P.R. Scheller, Slag entrainment in continuous casting and effect of interfacial tension, Ironmaking & Steelmaking 39 (2012) 508-513.