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[4] R. Lehnert, R. Wagner, C. Burkhardt, P. Clausnitzer, A. Weidner, M. Wendler, O. Volkova, H. Biermann, Microstructural and mechanical characterisation of high-alloy quenching and partitioning TRIP steel manufactured by electron beam melting, Materials Science and Engineering: A 794 (2020) 139684. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.msea.2020.139684.
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[6] I. Korobeinikov, D. Chebykin, S. Seetharaman, O. Volkova, Effect of Boron Micro-alloying on the Surface Tension of Liquid Iron and Steel Alloys, Int J Thermophys 41 (2020) 56. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10765-020-02628-5.
[7] I. Korobeinikov, H. Chaves, O. Volkova, Tailoring of Thermophysical Properties of New TRIP/TWIP Steel Alloys to Optimize Gas Atomisation, in: H. Biermann, C.G. Aneziris (Eds.), Austenitic TRIP/TWIP Steels and Steel-Zirconia Composites: Design of Tough, Transformation-Strengthened Composites and Structures, Springer International Publishing, Cham, 2020: pp. 77-112. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-42603-3_3.
[8] Q. Huang, M. Wendler, J. Mola, A. Weiß, L. Krüger, O. Volkova, Design of High Alloy Austenitic CrMnNi Steels Exhibiting TRIP/TWIP Properties, in: H. Biermann, C.G. Aneziris (Eds.), Austenitic TRIP/TWIP Steels and Steel-Zirconia Composites: Design of Tough, Transformation-Strengthened Composites and Structures, Springer International Publishing, Cham, 2020: pp. 41-75. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-42603-3_2.
[9] Q. Huang, R. Shi, O. Muránsky, H. Beladi, S. Kabra, C. Schimpf, O. Volkova, H. Biermann, J. Mola, Neutron diffraction analysis of stress and strain partitioning in a two-phase microstructure with parallel-aligned phases, Sci Rep 10 (2020) 13536. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-020-70299-1.
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[11] M. Hauser, M. Wendler, J. Mola, O. Fabrichnaya, O. Volkova, A. Weiß, Thermodynamic-Mechanical Modelling of Metastable High Alloy Austenitic CrMnNi Steels, in: H. Biermann, C.G. Aneziris (Eds.), Austenitic TRIP/TWIP Steels and Steel-Zirconia Composites: Design of Tough, Transformation-Strengthened Composites and Structures, Springer International Publishing, Cham, 2020: pp. 651-678. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-42603-3_20.
[12] J. Günther, R. Lehnert, R. Wagner, C. Burkhardt, M. Wendler, O. Volkova, H. Biermann, T. Niendorf, Effect of Compositional Variation Induced by EBM Processing on Deformation Behaviour and Phase Stability of Austenitic Cr-Mn-Ni TRIP Steel, JOM 72 (2020) 1052-1064. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11837-020-04018-6.
[13] O.V. Cheremisina, O. Volkova, T.E. Litvinova, Influence of anion nature on acid leaching of silicate minerals and solvent extraction of rare and rare-earth elements, Geochemistry 80 (2020) 125507. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chemer.2019.04.003.
[14] D. Chebykin, H.-P. Heller, I. Saenko, G. Bartzsch, R. Endo, O. Volkova, Effect of glass transition: density and thermal conductivity measurements of B2O3, HTHP 49 (2020) 125-142. https://doi.org/10.32908/hthp.v49.801.
[15] N.J. Bartie, A. Abadías Llamas, M. Heibeck, M. Fröhling, O. Volkova, M.A. Reuter, The simulation-based analysis of the resource efficiency of the circular economy - the enabling role of metallurgical infrastructure, Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy 129 (2020) 229-249. https://doi.org/10.1080/25726641.2019.1685243.