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[1] M. Wendler, J. Mola, L. Krüger, A. Weiss, Experimental Quantification of the Austenite-Stabilising Effect of Mn in CrMnNi As-Cast Stainless Steels, Steel Research Int. 85 (2014) 803-810.

[2] O. Volkova, P.R. Scheller, B. Lychatz, Kinetics and Thermodynamics of Carbon Isothermal and Non-isothermal Oxidation in MgO-C Refractory with Different Air Flow, Metal Mater Trans B 45 (2014) 1782-1792.

[3] P.R. Scheller, Q. Shu, Inclusion Development in Steel During Ladle Metallurgical Treatment - A Process Simulation Model - Part: Industrial Validation, Steel Research International 85 (2014) 1310-1316.

[4] R. Rahimi, B.C. De Cooman, H. Biermann, J. Mola, Microstructure and mechanical properties of Al-alloyed Fe-Cr-Ni-Mn-C stainless steels, Materials Science and Engineering: A 618 (2014) 46-55.

[5] M. Hauser, M. Wendler, S. Ghosh Chowdhury, A. Weiß, J. Mola, Quantification of deformation induced α'-martensite in Fe-19Cr-3Mn-4Ni-0.15C-0.15N austenitic steel by in situ magnetic measurements, Mater. Sci. Technol. 31 (2014) 1473-1478.

[6] T. Dubberstein, A. Jahn, M. Lange, H.-P. Heller, P.R. Scheller, Interfacial Reaction between Iron-Based Alloys and Polycrystalline α-Al2O3, Steel Research Int. 85 (2014) 1220-1228.

[7] S. Decker, K. Lange, L. Krüger, T. Dubberstein, Influence of the Sulfur Content on the Sintering Behaviour and the Mechanical Properties of a CrMnNi-TWIP-Steel, Steel Research International (2014) n/a-n/a.