[1] B. Zhong, Z. Cheng, M. Wendler, O. Volkova, J. Liu, Optimised rolling processes to balance magnetic and mechanical properties of high-strength non-oriented silicon steels, Materials & Design 232 (2023) 112096. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matdes.2023.112096.
[2] B. Zhong, Z. Cheng, M. Wendler, O. Volkova, J. Liu, Effect of microstructure modification on magnetic and mechanical properties of high-grade non-oriented silicon steel during annealing treatment, Journal of Materials Research and Technology (2023) S2238785423029460. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmrt.2023.11.173.
[3] W. Zhao, S. He, X. Wei, Y. Du, G. Tang, Y. Zhang, G. Dai, K. Gao, O. Volkova, Quantitative relationships between cellular structure parameters and the elastic modulus of aluminium foam, Materials Science and Engineering: A 868 (2023) 144713. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.msea.2023.144713.
[4] A. Yehorov, X. Wei, M.R. Bellé, O. Volkova, Influence of SiO2-Adding on the Thermophysical Properties and Crystallisation Behavior of Ladle Slags, Steel Research International n/a (2023) 2300173. https://doi.org/10.1002/srin.202300173.
[5] T. Shyrokykh, L. Neubert, O. Volkova, S. Sridhar, Two Potential Ways of Vanadium Extraction from Thin Film Steelmaking Slags, Processes 11 (2023) 1646. https://doi.org/10.3390/pr11061646.
[6] F. Scheibel, C. Lauhoff, P. Krooß, S. Riegg, N. Sommer, D. Koch, K. Opelt, H. Gutte, O. Volkova, S. Böhm, T. Niendorf, O. Gutfleisch, Additive manufacturing of Ni-Mn-Sn shape memory Heusler alloy - Microstructure and magnetic properties from powder to printed parts, Materialia 29 (2023) 101783. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mtla.2023.101783.
[7] L. Raami, T. Varis, K. Valtonen, M. Wendler, O. Volkova, P. Peura, Enhancing the cavitation erosion resistance of AISI 420-type stainless steel with quenching and partitioning, Wear (2023) 204897. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.wear.2023.204897.
[8] C. Quitzke, C. Schröder, C. Hempel, M. Mandel, L. Krüger, O. Volkova, M. Wendler, Determination of Martensite Formation Rate by Magnetic In Situ Measurement in CrMnNi-N Steel, Steel Research Int. (2023) 2200859. https://doi.org/10.1002/srin.202200859.
[9] C. Quitzke, C. Hempel, C. Schröder, C. Schmidt, B. Arlet, S. Hinz, M. Mandel, L. Krüger, O. Volkova, M. Wendler, Manufacturing and Characterisation of Plasma Gas Tungsten Arc-Welded Pipes Made of a Ni-Reduced Austenitic Stainless CrMnNi Steel, J. of Materi Eng and Perform 32 (2023) 7915-7927. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11665-022-07676-6.
[10] A. Perminov, P.E. Günther, M.O. Ilatovskaia, X. Wei, O. Volkova, Cold Crucible Induction Melting for the Fabrication of Fe-xTiC In Situ Metal Matrix Composites: Alloying Efficiency and Microstructural Analysis, Advanced Engineering Materials 25 (2023) 2300627. https://doi.org/10.1002/adem.202300627.
[11] L. Neubert, O. Kovtun, T. Kreschel, O. Volkova, Phosphorus Partition Between Liquid Crude Steel and High-Basicity Basic Oxygen Furnace Slags Containing V2O5, Metall Mater Trans B 54 (2023) 1524-1531. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11663-023-02778-5.
[12] K. Liu, S. Cheng, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11663-023-02778-5.
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[13] K. Liu, S. Cheng, X. Wei, W. Xu, J. Li, Y. Feng, O. Volkova, In-situ observation and analysis of solidified structure evolution of S50C steel in soaking furnace, J. Iron Steel Res. Int. 30 (2023) 1963-1973. https://doi.org/10.1007/s42243-023-00942-4.
[14] R. Lehnert, M. Müller, M. Vollmer, P. Krooß, G. Korpala, U. Prahl, M. Wendler, O. Volkova, T. Niendorf, H. Biermann, A. Weidner, On the influence of crystallographic orientation on superelasticity - Fe-Mn-Al-Ni shape memory alloys studied by advanced in situ characterisation techniques, Materials Science and Engineering: A 871 (2023) 144830. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.msea.2023.144830.
[15] N. Lehnert, J. Steger, P. Nitzsche, M. Wendler, V. Kräusel, Kaltumformung von metastabilem Cr-Ni-Cu-Stahlguss/Cold forming of metastable Cr-Ni-Cu cast steel - Challenges in developing a forming technology, Wt 113 (2023) 432-437. https://doi.org/10.37544/1436-4980-2023-10-54.
[16] T. Lehmann, O. Kovtun, A. Yehorov, X. Wei, M. Levchenko, T. Shyrokykh, O. Volkova, Influence of V2O5 on the viscosity of heterogeneous basic oxygen furnace CaO-FeO-SiO2-MgO-V2O5-Al2O3-MnO-P2O5 slags, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 616 (2023) 122468. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jnoncrysol.2023.122468.
[17] O. Kovtun, M. Levchenko, E. Oldinski, M. Gräbner, O. Volkova, Swelling Behaviour of Iron Ore Pellets during Reduction in H2 and N2/H2 Atmospheres at Different Temperatures, Steel Research International 94 (2023) 2300140. https://doi.org/10.1002/srin.202300140.
[18] Y. Korobeinikov, A. Meshram, C. Harris, O. Kovtun, J. Govro, R.J. O'Malley, O. Volkova, S. Sridhar, Reduction of Iron-Ore Pellets Using Different Gas Mixtures and Temperatures, Steel Research International 94 (2023) 2300066. https://doi.org/10.1002/srin.202300066.
[19] C. Hempel, M. Mandel, C. Schröder, C. Quitzke, C. Schimpf, M. Wendler, O. Volkova, L. Krüger, Influence of microstructure on hydrogen trapping and diffusion in a pre-deformed TRIP steel, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 48 (2023) 4906-4920. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijhydene.2022.11.017.
[20] C. Hempel, M. Mandel, C. Quitzke, M. Radajewski, C. Schröder, M. Wendler, O. Volkova, L. Krüger, Hydrogen Embrittlement in a Plasma Tungsten Inert Gas-Welded Austenitic CrMnNi Stainless Steel, Steel Research International 94 (2023) 2200870. https://doi.org/10.1002/srin.202200870.
[21] C. Hempel, M. Mandel, M. Schröder, M. Wendler, O. Volkova, L. Krüger, Hydrogen Embrittlement in a Plasma Tungsten Inert Gas-Welded Austenitic CrMnNi Stainless Steel, Steel Research International 94 (2023) 2200870. Hempel, M. Mandel, C. Quitzke, C. Schröder, M. Wendler, O. Volkova, L. Krüger, Evaluation of nitrogen content on pitting and repassivation behaviour of a high alloy nickel-reduced austenitic stainless steel, Materials and Corrosion 74 (2023) 384-393. https://doi.org/10.1002/maco.202213236.
[22] M. Hauser, O. Volkova, M. Wendler, Modelling of Mechanical Properties of Metastable Austenitic Cr-Mn-Ni Steels with TRIP Effect, Steel Research Int. (2023) 2300058. https://doi.org/10.1002/srin.202300058.
[23] M. Hauser, P. Nitzsche, A. Weidner, S. Henkel, H. Biermann, O. Volkova, M. Wendler, Effect of Cu addition on solidification, precipitation behaviour and mechanical properties in austenitic CrNi-N stainless steel, Materials Science and Engineering: A 862 (2023) 144422. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.msea.2022.144422.
[24] E. Cheremisina, O. Kovtun, A. Yehorov, O. Volkova, J. Schenk, Properties of liquid CaO-SiO2 and CaO-SiO2-'Fe2O3'tot slags measured by a combination of maximum bubble pressure and rotating bob methods, Ceramics International 49 (2023) 30104-30114. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ceramint.2023.06.266.
[25] D. Chebykin, I. Saenko, H.-P. Heller, R. Endo, O. Volkova, Thermal conductivity of CaO-B2O3 system as functions of temperature including glass transition, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 622 (2023) 122644. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jnoncrysol.2023.122644.
[26] D. Chebykin, H.-P. Heller, M. Ilatovskaia, K. Schulz, R. Endo, O. Volkova, Heat Conduction through Different Slag Layers in Mold. Thermal Conductivity Measurement of Commercial Mould Fluxes, ISIJ Int. 63 (2023) 216-227. https://doi.org/10.2355/isijinternational.ISIJINT-2021-544.
[27] C. Burkhardt, M. Wendler, R. Lehnert, M. Hauser, P. Clausnitzer, O. Volkova, H. Biermann, A. Weidner, Fine-grained microstructure without texture obtained by electron beam powder bed fusion for AISI 304 L-based stainless steel, Additive Manufacturing 69 (2023) 103539. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.addma.2023.103539.
[28] G. Bartzsch, S. Scherbring, J. Richter, M. Vollmer, J. Mola, T. Niendorf, O. Volkova, Gas Atomisation of Al-Steels, Materials Today Communications (2023) 105388. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mtcomm.2023.105388.
[29] G. Bartzsch, R. Christian, S.R. Mohanty, A.K. Shukla, O. Volkova, Effect of Al2O3 and TiO2 on Viscosity, Surface Tension, and Density of Blast Furnace Slag with CaO/SiO2 = 1.13, Steel Research International 94 (2023) 2200798. https://doi.org/10.1002/srin.202200798.