Introduction to English for Specific Purposes
Module 1 of the UNIcert® III English for Specific Purposes Certificate
The main but not the only target group for this module are first-year students of TUBAF. This module is compulsory for a number of degree programs while for others it is integrated into the timetable as an optional module.
Thirteen groups each comprising students from the same or similar degree programs are to start in Winter Semester 2024/25 and continue in Summer Semester 2025. For those of you commencing your studies in Summer Semester 2025, please contact Mrs Karin Lötzsch to discuss whether you should join one of this year's groups or start the course in Winter Semester 2025/2026.
- Course start/duration: The course starts each winter semester and runs for two semesters.
- Scope: 90 minutes per week instruction, 90 minutes self-study per week each semester
- Prerequisites: Minimum English B2 level (CEFR)/ intermediate
- Fees TUBAF-internal: there are no fees for students and PhD students registered at TUBAF as well as TUBAF employees
- Fees external participants: For so-called Gästhörer a fee of 30 €/ Semester is charged.
- Teaching material: see module description for the corresponding subject
Participants can:
- understand and analyze subject-related and subject-specific texts in their field
- grasp general and specific information as well as explain subject-specific terms and describe subject-related facts in oral as well as written communication
- formulate subject-specific and subject-related solutions to problems within their actions
- communicate and cooperate with other subject representatives as well as with people outside the subject in order to solve a task responsibly.
- 4 credit points and a certificate upon successful completion
- The module examination consists of a written exam (90 minutes).
- At least 80% active participation in the course is required for admission to the examination.
Geosciences (Geoinformatics and Geophysics)
Geosciences (Earth Systems Science, Geology and Mineralogy)
Geosciences, Geoengineering and Mining)
Engineering (Materials Science, Vehicle Construction, Materials and Components, Foundry Technology, Industrial Archaeology)
Mathematics and Computer Science
Natural Sciences
1.BCH/Ch: | Monday 16:15-17:45 | Dr. Mark Jacob SPQ-1401 |
1.BNAT/NT: | Tuesday 11:30-13:00 | Karin Lötzsch SPQ-1401 |
1.BGM Gr.1: | Tuesday 08:00-09:30 | Karin Lötzsch SPQ-1401 |
1.BGM Gr.2: | Wednesday 14:30-16:00 | Karin Lötzsch SPQ-1401 |
1.BUS: | Thursday 09:45-11:15 | Karin Lötzsch SPQ-1401 |
1.MB/BAF 2.BAF: | Monday 18:00-19:30 | Karin Lötzsch SPQ-1401 |
1.BENG Gr.1 2.BENG: | Monday 11:30-13:00 | Karin Lötzsch SPQ-1401 |
1.BENG Gr.2, 1.KGB 3.VTC, AUV: | Thursday 11:30-13:00 | Karin Lötzsch SPQ-1401 |
1.GING, 3.Ma 5.GBG: | Thursday 11:30-13:00 | Karin Lötzsch SPQ-1401 |
1.BGIP 1.BSR: | Friday 14:30-16:00 | Darlene Kilian SPQ-1401 |
1.BM/BWM/Mm: | Thursday 16:15-17:45 | Dr. Mark Jacob PRÜ-1103 |
2.BAI/ROB: | Monday 08:00-09:30 | Dr. Mark Jacob SPQ-1401 |
1.BGi/BINA 1.ACW/BMWT/MWT: | Friday 08:00-09:30 | Darlene Kilian SPQ-1401 |
Subject to change
For the module Introduction to English for Specific Purposes (1st module of UNIcert® III), no registration is required in advance.
You will receive all information in the first class.
UNIcert® III English for Specific Purposes
Module 2 of UNIcert® III English for Specific Purposes Certificate
After successfully completing the Introduction to English for Specific Purposes module, students in the third and fourth semesters can take this advanced course and obtain the coveted UNIcert III® certificate of English for Specific Purposes.
Seven groups each comprising students from the same or similar degree programs are to start in Winter Semester 2024/2025 and continue in Summer Semester 2025. New groups for this module will start again in Winter Semester 2025/2026.
- Course start/duration: The course starts each winter semester and runs for two semesters.
- Scope: 90 minutes per week instruction, 180 minutes self-study per week each semester
- Prerequisites: Successful completion of Module 1 of UNIcert® III or equivalent language skills
- Fees TUBAF-internal: there are no fees for students and PhD students registered at TUBAF as well as TUBAF employees
- Fees external participants: For so-called Gästhörer a fee of 30 €/ Semester is charged.
- Teaching material: see module description for the corresponding subject
Participants who successfully complete the course have an advanced level of language competence that enables them to master academic or professional situations linguistically and to fully achieve the communication goal. The acquired level of communication skills enables fluent oral as well as stylistically confident written communication in technical language at the level of C1 of the European Framework of Reference and includes, among others:
- Reading: Distinguishing and characterizing text types; researching texts and information efficiently and profitably; applying various reading strategies.
- Listening: Understand general and specific information from audio sources of different types or media and in different listening situations (lectures/lectures, dialogues, discussions, etc).
- Writing: Characterize different types of texts in the scientific or academic context, (self-)organization of the writing process, drafting texts to different addressees, dealing with sources.
- Speaking: Delivering lectures/presentations, leading partner discussions, participating in discussions.
- 6 credit points and the UNIcert® certificate upon successful completion
- The examination consists of tests in all four skills (speaking, listening, reading, writing).
- At least 80% active participation in the course is required for admission to the exam.
3.BCH/BNAT/Ch: | Thursday 18:00-19:30 | Dr. Mark Jacob SPQ-1401 |
3.AF/MB/BGi/BINA 3.ACW/BMWT/MWT: | Monday 09:45-11:15 | Alan McDonnell FOR-0241 l |
3.BAI/ROB/NT 3.BM/BWM/Mm: | Friday 08:00-09:30 | Dr. Mark Jacob PRÜ-1104 |
3.BGIP/GING 5.Ma, 7.GBG: | Monday 09:45-11:15 | Darlene Kilian PRÜ-1104 |
3.BUS-BGÖK: | Monday 14:30-16:00 | Darlene Kilian SPQ-1401 |
3.BGM: | Tuesday 14:30-16:00 | Karin Lötzsch SPQ-1401 |
3.BENG 5.VTC: | Monday 08:00-09:30 | Alan McDonnell FOR-0241 l |
Subject to change
For the module Advanced English for Specific Purposes (2nd module of UNIcert® III) no registration is required in advance.
You will receive all information in the first class.

Communicate with the world as an expert, precisely and efficiently - using the specialized English language of your field!
Karin Lötzsch
Coordinator, English
Professional Communication
This module lasts one semester and is taken by undergraduate students from the Faculty of Business Administration as well as students enrolled on Master's courses taught in English and German. The twice-weekly meetings integrate the theory and practice of communicating in professional settings and thus make this course valuable not only for those who speak English as a foreign language but even for native speakers of English.
Two groups each comprising students from a variety of degree programs are starting in Winter Semester 2024/25. Whether this is a compulsory or optional course in your degree program or simply an opportunity for you to hone your professional communication skills, make sure you secure a place on the course by registering in OPAL.
- Course start/duration: The course starts each winter semester and summer semester and runs for one semester.
- Scope: 2 x 90 minutes per week instruction, 180 minutes self-study per week each semester
- Prerequisites: Minimum English B2 level (CEFR)/ intermediate
- Fees TUBAF-internal: there are no fees for students and PhD students registered at TUBAF as well as TUBAF employees
- Fees external participants: For so-called Gästhörer a fee of 30 €/ Semester is charged.
- Teaching Material:
- Adler, R.B; Rodman, G.R; Athena DuPré, A. Understanding Human Communication (2019) Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press;
- Marquet L.D. (2020) Leadership Is Language: The Hidden Power of What You Say--and What You Don't. 1st Ed. New York: Portfolio/Penguin
The module is taught in English and introduces participants to fundamental principles and practices of communication. Participants:
- familiarize themselves with essential linguistic features and typical structures of oral and written texts
- acquire strategies to cope with various oral and written communication situations in academic and professional contexts
- are able to present content and to communicate in a way that is specific and suitable for the type of text and context and to argue their own point of view in a variety of situations.
- 6 credit points and the UNIcert® certificate upon successful completion
- The module exam is a portfolio examination consisting of 4 parts depicting oral and written communication situations as well as receptive and productive skills
- At least 80% active participation in the course as well as completion of self-study tasks are required for admission to the examination.
Group 1 (Dr. Mark Jacob)
Monday Thursday | 14:30-16:00 09:45-11:15 | SPQ-1302 SPQ-0302 |
Group 2 (Darlene Kilian)
Monday Thursday | 08:00-09:30 08:00-09:30 | SPQ-0302 PRÜ-1104 |
Subject to change
Enrolment in OPAL is required for this module.

Get a head start in your career by taking Professional Communication!
Dr. Mark Jacob
Module Convenor, Professional Communication
Staff English Language Program
The Staff English language program is part of the EURECA-PRO educational program. It offers TUBAF employees formal language courses for technical, administrative and teaching staff as well as informal meetings such as English lunches and possibly international tandems.
We offer English courses four times a year in 8-week blocks. The focus of these courses is on improving communication skills with the international TUBAF community while using English as a lingua franca. The levels and course content are based on needs analyses carried out among TUBAF employees. For more information and special requests, please contact Darlene Kilian.
- Time slots of the modules:
- CW 37 – CW 46 (9.9.24 – 12.11.24)
- CW 49 – CW 6 (2.12.24 – 4.2.25)
- CW 9 – CW 17 (24.2.25 – 22.4.25)
- CW 20 – CW 27 (12.5.25 – 1.7.25)
Time slot of the intercultural lunch meeting: the first Monday of the month beginning October 2024
Intercultural kick-off special: Watch and discuss the 90-minute US presidential debate on September 11 from 4:30 – 7:00 p.m. in the SiZ conference room. Drinks and snacks can be brought along or purchased at the SiZ Café.
- First start dates: From week 2024 (from 10.9. and 11.9.2024)
- Duration: Courses are offered as 8-week blocks. Once a month, an intercultural topic is offered for lunchtime discussions
- Costs: free of charge for TUBAF employees
- Languages of instruction: English and German
- Places: On site, face to face. Enrollment and related learning materials can be found in OPAL.
- Placement: Use the placement test of the to classify your level.
The formal and informal elements of the Staff English Language Program aim to enhance international communication here at TUBAF, using English as the 'lingua franca'.
- The formal courses use an integrative approach to improve the four language skills of listening, reading, writing and speaking, with oral interaction at the forefront of all activities. The focus is on the development of linguistic autonomy from level to level. Only at the beginner level is a distinction made according to professional orientation.
- Informal gatherings give participants the opportunity to practice their English skills in an unstructured and spontaneous environment through conversations. The 1-hour English lunch once a month serves to promote and network diversity in the workplace, intercultural understanding and communication. Each session has a specific theme of intercultural communication.
A EURECA-PRO / TUBAF certificate is issued to all course participants who attend at least 6 out of 8 course hours within a block course.
Formal courses for:
- Administration (Elementary Level) Tuesdays 09:45 – 11:15, PRÜ-1103 CW 37-41 and SPQ-1403 CW 42-46
- Technician (Basic) Tuesdays 11:30 - 13:00, PRÜ-1103 CW 37-41 and SPQ-1403 CW 42-46
- Technician and Administration (Intermediate) Wednesdays 08:00 - 09:45 SPQ-1402 CW 37-41 and PRÜ-1104 CW 42-46
- Teachers and Administration (Advanced Level) Wednesdays 09:45 – 11:15, SPQ-1402 CW 37-41 and PRÜ-1104 CW 42-46
Open intercultural discussions over the lunch break:
The first Monday of the month starting October 2024, 12:00 - 13:00, Conference room SIZ, CW 41+
Individual consultations for everyone 15:00 - 16:00, CW42+ in the SiZ Café

Improve your communication and collaboration with international colleagues and students through English classes for TUBAF employees!
Darlene Kilian
Lead, Staff English Language Program