Weiterentwicklung von Methoden für Struktur- und Mikrostrukturanalyse
Mikrostrukturdesign und Defekt-Engineering in
- Dünnen Schichten
- Materialien für Elektronik und Optoelektronik
- Hartstoffschichten und Volumenhartstoffen
- TRIP- und TWIP-Stählen
Institut für Werkstoffwissenschaft
Gustav-Zeuner-Str. 5
D-09599 Freiberg
Tel.: +49 3731 39-2299
E-Mail: rafaja [at] iww [dot] tu-freiberg [dot] de
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. David Rafaja
Born on November 27, 1965 in Prague
1983 - 1988: Study of the Solid State Physics at the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University Prague, Czech Republic
1989 - 1993: PhD in the Solid State Physics, Charles University Prague
1993 - 1999: Head of the X-ray laboratory at the Institute of Semiconductor Physics, Charles University Prague
1999: Habilitation in the Solid State Physics, Charles University Prague
2000 - 2002: Associated Professor (Univ.-Doz.) at the Institute of Condensed Matter Physics, Charles University Prague
Since 2003: Full Professor, TU Bergakademie Freiberg
Since 2005: Director of the Institute of Materials Science, TU Bergakademie Freiberg
Since 2024: Member of the Review Board "Materials Science", DFG
Since 2022: Dean of Studies of the study course Advanced Materials Analysis, TU Bergakademie Freiberg
Since 2022: Member of the Editorial Board, Scientific Reports
Since 2020: Member of the International Advisory Board of the Nuclear Physics Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences
Since 2017: Member of the Scientific Advisory Committee of the Materials Growth & Measurement Laboratory, Charles University Prague
2017 – 2023: Member of the board of directors of the Saxon Alliance for Material- and Resource-Efficient Technologies (AMARETO)
2016 – 2022: Dean of the Faculty of Materials Science and Technology, TU Bergakademie Freiberg
2016 – 2020: Director-at-Large, International Centre for Diffraction Data (ICDD)
2010 – 2011: Interim head of the Institute for Electronic and Sensor Materials, TU Bergakademie Freiberg
Since 2009: Member of the EPDIC Committee
2009 – 2014: Coordinator and chairman of the Saxon Centre of Excellence “Functional structure design of new high performance materials via atomic design and defect engineering (ADDE)”
2005 – 2014: Member of the Commission on Powder Diffraction, International Union of Crystallography
2005 – 2007: Dean of Studies of the study course Materials Science and Materials Technology, TU Bergakademie Freiberg
Since 2004: Member of the German Crystallographic Society
2001 – 2008: European Co-chair of the International Centre for Diffraction Data
Since 1999: Member of the International Centre for Diffraction Data (ICDD)
1996 – 2002: Member of the Scientific board of the Czech and Slovak Crystallographic Association
Since 1988: Member of the Czech and Slovak Crystallographic Association
1990 (3 months): Stay at the Physical Metallurgy group (Prof. P. Ettmayer), Vienna University of Technology
1992 (4 months): Stay at the Physical Metallurgy group (Prof. P. Ettmayer), Vienna University of Technology
1993 (2 months): Stay at the Laboratory of Crystallography (Prof. H. Schenk), University of Amsterdam
1994 (2 months): Stay at the Laboratory of Crystallography (Prof. H. Schenk), University of Amsterdam
1995 (3 months): Stay at the Physical Metallurgy group (Prof. P. Ettmayer), Vienna University of Technology
1997 – 1998 (12 months): Lise Meitner Fellowship, Vienna University of Technology, Physical Metallurgy, host Prof. P. Ettmayer
2001 – 2002 (12 months): Alexander von Humboldt Fellowship, TU Darmstadt, Structure Research, host Prof. H. Fueß
1993: Milan Odehnal Award (Czech Society for Mathematics and Physics)
2000: EDPIC Award (Award of the European Powder Diffraction Conference)
2003: ICDD Fellow (Award of the International Centre for Diffraction Data), USA