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Probe-Uni Mathematics

Probe-Uni Mathematics

  • What are the benefits of studying?
  • What is life like as a student?

Let's be honest: almost every school pupil asks themselves these or similar questions shortly before or after their A-levels.

It would be great if you could simply get a taste of what it's like to study or take a trial course.

In Freiberg at the TU Bergakademie, you can try out studying for a week. Our trial university offer is unique in Germany and takes place every year in May; in 2025 from 19 to 23 May. As a final-year student in particular, you can experience university life up close, listen to free lectures with students, get to know a university from the inside and see for yourself what studying means. And the best thing about it: you can also earn credit points for your future studies.

Thematic focus

If you want to understand today's world and apply the latest technological concepts in a targeted manner, you need to be able to model and calculate complex problems. This is where maths and computer science come in! Both disciplines are essential for shaping the future. This is why Probe-Uni is focussing on graphs - a concept that is important in both mathematics and computer science. Whether in artificial intelligence, finding the shortest paths, on-demand concepts in logistics, explaining causal relationships and so on ... all these areas work with graphs! And the basic concept itself is quite simple to explain and you have certainly had contact with graphs yourself, for example when drawing the "House of Father Christmas".

A graph itself consists of so-called nodes and edges - that's it! However, this concept can be used to investigate an incredible number of interesting and practical problems. Exciting puzzles can also be solved with graphs.

We will take you on a journey into the world of graphs and introduce you to simple concepts as part of the trial university. Whether you love puzzles or think algorithmically, you will love graphs!


Registration is by email to probe-uni [at] tu-freiberg [dot] de (probe-uni[at]tu-freiberg[dot]de)!


After you have registered, you can take part in the trial university without further ado. To really get to know a degree programme, lectures are held every day from 09:00 to 16:00, including a lunch break. You will listen to these together with students in their first two years of study, so you will get first-hand information about studying and starting your degree programme. You will not only listen to lectures, but also try out things you have learnt yourself. In the evenings, older students will organise one or two small events so that you can switch off and meet new people.

No, don't be afraid! The trial university is designed so that you can get a taste of studying without much prior knowledge. We deal with graphs and networks. All concepts are introduced slowly from the ground up and require no more than school knowledge.

The trial university is only available in Freiberg (Saxony).

Short distances are important to us. That's why it is centrally organised in Freiberg in the building complex Schlossplatzquartier, Prüferstraße 4, 09599 Freiberg. Once you have found our sandstone lecture theatre building, all you have to do is go to the first floor. The trial university will take place there in room SPQ-1302.

There are many hotels, guesthouses and apartments in Freiberg. Take a look at

We are also happy to help you find accommodation! We have also reserved a small number of rooms with local providers. Write to us at probe-uni [at] tu-freiberg [dot] de (probe-uni[at]tu-freiberg[dot]de) before it runs out.

Of course! Have a look:

Mathematics & Computer Science

Overall study programmes at the Bergakademie

And if you would like some advice,

is there for you!

You will learn a lot about graphs and networks through the mock university. You can have your newly acquired knowledge certified by us via a short test.

Since the content of the trial university is also (compulsory) content of our degree programmes at the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, the credit points you earn can be easily transferred to our degree programmes. If you would like to study with us, the trial university will not only give you a head start in terms of knowledge, but will also give you more freedom in your first semesters at TU Bergakademie Freiberg.

Just write to us at probe-uni [at] tu-freiberg [dot] de (probe-uni[at]tu-freiberg[dot]de). Our aim is to give you a great week in Freiberg and a real insight into studying!

Event location
Program for School Students
Registration required
Prof Dr Johannes Carmesin
Prüferstr. 1, Room 1.07
09599 Freiberg
Johannes.Carmesin [at] +49 3731 39-2701
Dr. Christoph Brause
Prüferstr. 9, DG.06
09599 Freiberg
brause [at] +49 3731 39-3788