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The Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science is involved in the following coordinated programs of the German Science Foundation (DFG) and the Federal Ministry of Education and Research:

  • DFG SPP 1962: Non-smooth and Complementarity-Based Distributed Parameter Systems: Simulation and Hierarchical Optimization.
  • DFG SPP 2171: Dynamic wetting of flexible, adaptive and switchable surfaces.
  • DFG SPP 2256: Variational Methods for Predicting Complex Phenomena in Engineering Structures and Materials.
  • DFG SPP 2311: Robust coupling of continuum-biomechanical in silico models to establish active biological system models for later use in clinical applications - Co-design of modeling, numerics and usability.
  • DFG FOR 3013:  Vector- and Tensor-Valued Surface PDEs.
  • BMBF SCALEXA: New Methods and Technologies for Exascale Computing.
  • BMBF mFUND R4R: Ready for Smart City Robots? Multi-Modal Maps for Autonomous Micro Mobiles - R4R.
  • BMBF BioDivKI: New Knowledge in Biodiversity Research through Artificial Intelligence

