Courses in the summer semester 2025
Mathematics degree programmes
- Mathematics of Ethics (Prof. van den Boogaart)
- Methods in Machine Learning (Prof. Sprungk)
- Probabilistic Forecasting and Data Assimilation (Prof. Sprungk)
- Stochastic Analysis (Prof. Starkloff)
- Time Series (Prof. Starkloff)
- Actuarial Mathematics and Risk Theory 2 (Dr Wünsche)
- Probability Theory (Prof. Sprungk)
Other degree programmes
- Statistical Analysis of Systems (Prof. van den Boogaart)
- Statistics I for Economists (Dr. Wünsche)
- Experimental design and multivariate statistics (Prof. Sprungk)
- Time series analysis in economics (Prof. Starkloff)
Courses in the winter term 2024/25
Mathematics degree programmes
- Measure and Integration Theory (Prof. Sprungk)
- Mathematics of Machine Learning (Prof. Sprungk)
- Multivariate Statistical Analysis (Prof. Starkloff)
- Stochastic Processes (Prof. Starkloff)
- Stochastic Geometry (Dr Ballani)
- Acturial Mathematics and Risk Theory (Dr Wünsche)
Other degree programmes
- Data Analysis/Statistics (Prof. van den Boogaart)
- Stochastic Methods for Materials Science (Prof. Sprungk)
- Statistics for Engineers (Prof. Starkloff)
- Statistics II for Economists (Dr Wünsche)
- Statistical Analysis Methods (Prof. Starkloff)
General range of courses
- Current Topics in Stochastics (Prof. Starkloff, Prof. Sprungk)
- Measure and Integration Theory (Prof. Starkloff)
- Mathematics of Machine Learning (Prof. Sprungk)
Even Years
- Multivariate Statistics (Prof. Starkloff)
- Stochastic Geometry (Prof. van den Boogaart)
- Stochastic Processes (Prof. Starkloff)
- Insurance Mathematics and Risk Theory I (Dr Wünsche)
Odd Years
- Applied Statistics I (Prof. van den Boogaart)
- Stochastic Financial Market Models I (Prof. Starkloff)
Summer term
- Stochastics for Mathematicians (Prof. Starkloff)
- Methods of Machine Learning (Prof. Sprungk)
- Probabilistic Forecasting and Data Assimilation (Prof. Sprungk)
Even years
- Applied Statistics II (Prof. van den Boogaart)
- Stochastic Financial Market Models II (Prof. Starkloff)
Odd Years
- Spatial Statistics (Prof. van den Boogaart)
- Insurance Mathematics and Risk Theory II (Dr Wünsche)
- Stochastic Analysis (Prof. Starkloff)
- Time Series Analysis (Prof. Starkloff)
- Data Analysis/Statistics (Prof. van den Boogaart)
- Statistics for Engineers (Prof. Starkloff)
- Statistics for Business Economists II (Prof. Starkloff, Dr Wünsche)
- Statistical Analysis Methods (Prof. Starkloff, Dr Wünsche)
- Stochastic Methods for Materials Science (Prof. Sprungk)
Summer term
- Statistical Analysis of Systems (Prof. van den Boogaart)
- Statistics for Business Economists I (Prof. Starkloff, Dr Wünsche)
- Experimental Design and Multivariate Statistics (Prof. Sprungk)
- Time Series Analysis in Economics (Prof. Starkloff, Dr Wünsche)