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Process developments for the upcycling of metal recyclates from Li-ion batteries for e-mobility and the storage of renewable energy

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The KoLibri project is concerned with the development of a new type of cooling system in the field of mobility. This is to be developed on the basis of metal foams and analysed holistically. The aim is therefore not only to develop innovative cooling structures, but also to design a suitable recycling concept.

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Deep Sea Sampling - Development of technologies for vertical minimally invasive deep sea mining

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Investigation of scientific principles of selective comminution with close reference to mineralogical and technological properties of raw materials

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"Holistic processing of plastic recycling paths for resource-efficient and recyclable lightweight battery housings" (Gabriela)

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Pilot plant for testing efficient ore digestion - DFG large-scale unit "Grinding circuit test rig with roller mill"

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KORESIL beschäftigt sich mit der ressourceneffizienten und sicheren Produktion von Leichtbaustrukturen, um so die Dekarbonisierung der Wirtschaft voranzutreiben. 

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