Institute for Processing Machines and Recycling System Technology

About 7% of the electrical energy generated worldwide is used for crushing processes. Only about 1% of this energy, which is converted by a crusher, is actually used to create new surfaces, i.e. the actual crushing.
In view of the growing demand for raw materials and energy in times of energy and transport transition, the focus is also shifting to recycling in order to reduce energy consumption and resource use.
The expertise of our team is based on a thorough analysis of the raw materials that we process. Using the latest models and simulations, we develop innovative processing technologies. These technologies are subjected to intensive practical testing in our technical centre, from small-scale laboratory tests to verification in a pilot plant in a nearby quarry.
Our research focus is on developing more efficient machines and processes for primary and secondary raw material processing. In doing so, we focus on comprehensive investigation of material properties down to the microscopic level. These findings form the basis for the design of new, improved machine and process models and solutions. In our work, it is important for us to emphasise that energy efficiency and sustainable resource use are in no way in conflict with economy and performance. On the contrary, they complement each other and are the key to a successful future.