AUMUND study scholarship programme at the TU Bergakademie Freiberg
From the winter semester 2014 / 2015, AUMUND Fördertechnik GmbH will be awarding up to four AUMUND study scholarships to students at the TU Bergakademie Freiberg each year.
AUMUND's study scholarship programme
The mechanical engineering company AUMUND was founded in 1922 by Prof. Heinrich Aumund, founder of the first German Institute for Lifting and Conveying Technology in Berlin. Three generations have built up the company, developed it further and successfully positioned it on international markets. The current Managing Partner Franz-Walter Aumund is continuing a tradition of his family by awarding scholarships - the commitment to education, science and social issues.

"My grandfather was already committed to supporting employees and students in a variety of ways. The same applies to my father Günter-Claus Aumund, who was honoured by Federal President Karl Carstens in July 1984 for his exemplary achievements in education. I am convinced that the education and upbringing of young people is the most valuable investment in the future of our society."
Franz-Walter Aumund (†)
Former Managing Partner of AUMUND Fördertechnik GmbH, Rheinberg
Application requirements
- Students of mechanical engineering who have a connection to materials handling technology or design engineering in a broader sense are eligible to apply.
- Students from Bachelor's and Diploma programmes (after the second year of study) as well as Master's programmes are eligible for funding.
- The scholarships are awarded on the basis of proven excellent academic performance. Social commitment over and above academic achievements is taken into account when selecting scholarship holders, as are social aspects.
Scholarship duration
The scholarship is granted for one year at a time. An annual extension until the end of the standard period of study can be granted upon submission of a corresponding application.

Scholarship benefits
- The scholarships are endowed with €580 per month for living expenses. The scholarship is paid out in 12 instalments. In addition, a flat-rate allowance of €100 per month is granted for material costs.
- The scholarship is also paid for a period of up to one semester (6 months) during a study visit abroad.
- Grants from other funding organisations or remunerated internships are offset against the scholarship.
Application and selection procedure
Applications and renewal applications must be submitted by 31 July of each year. July of each year to:
Chair of the Selection Committee for the AUMUND Scholarship Programme
Institute for Mineral Processing Machines
TU Bergakademie Freiberg
Lampadiusstraße 4
09599 Freiberg
Please complete the application formand attach the following documents:
- CV
- Picture
- Baccalaureate certificate
- Bachelor's degree
- Certificate of studies to date with proof of academic achievements (current certificate of enrolment; ECTS certificate of achievement)
- A statement in favour of the scholarship from a university lecturer in the field
- Data protection declaration
Scholarship holders are selected by a selection committee, which includes one or more representatives of the Institute of Mineral Processing Machines at TU Bergakademie Freiberg as well as representatives appointed by AUMUND Fördertechnik GmbH. There is no legal entitlement to the award of a scholarship.
Professor Dr.-Ing. Holger Lieberwirth
Professor für Aufbereitungsmaschinen und Recyclingsystemtechnik
Lampadiusstraße 4, Zimmer 203
+49 3731 39-2558
holger [dot] lieberwirth [at] iart [dot] tu-freiberg [dot] de (holger[dot]lieberwirth[at]iart[dot]tu-freiberg[dot]de)