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Winter semester
Lecture: Classifying and mixing machines
Lecturer: Prof. Dr.-.Ing. Holger Lieberwirth
Qualification goal: The students will be able to calculate, design and use classifying and mixing machines
Content: Design and layout of classifying machines (e.g. static sieves, vibrating screens, etc.).e.g. static screens, vibrating screens, flip-flow screens, drum screens, static and dynamic classifiers) and mixers (e.g. mechanical mixers, pneumatic mixers).e.g. mechanical mixers, pneumatic mixers, liquid mixers, blending beds)
Teaching methods: Lecture - 2 SWS; tutorial - 1 SWS; practical course - 1 SWS
Examination and awarding of credit points: The prerequisite for the awarding of credit points is passing the module examination. The module examination comprises: MP/KA (KA for 11 and more participants) [MP at least 60 min / KA
90 min]
PVL: Completion of at least 90% of the practicals and exercises (protocols), of which 1 constructive exercise PVL must be fulfilled or proven before the start of the examination.
Credit points: 5
Link to the Opal course: Here
Lecture: Sorting machines
Lecturer: Prof. Dr.- Ing.Ing. Holger Lieberwirth
Qualification objective: Students will be able to calculate, design and use sorting machines in a targeted manner.
Content: Design and layout of sorting machines ( e.g. wet flow classifiers, dense phase sorters, dense phase separators). Wet flow classifiers, density sorters, such as float-sink separators, settling machines, troughs and cookers; magnetic, electric and eddy current separators; flotation and scalping equipment).
Teaching methods: Lecture - 2 SWS; tutorial - 1 SWS; practical course - 1 SWS
Examination performance and awarding of credit points: The prerequisite for the awarding of credit points is passing the module examination. The module examination comprises: MP/KA (KA for 11 and more participants) [MP at least 60 min / KA
90 min]
PVL: Completion of at least 90% of the practicals and exercises (protocols), of which 1 constructive exercise PVL must be fulfilled or proven before the start of the examination.
Credit points: 5
Link to the Opal course: Here
Lecture: Conveying technology
Lecturer: Prof. Dr.-.Holger Lieberwirth
Qualification objective: Based on the methods of material characterisation and the fundamentals of the various conveying processes, students acquire skills with regard to the possible applications of various conveying technologies (pneumatic, hydraulic, mechanical conveying), the associated machines/equipment and the calculation and design of selected conveyors and conveying systems for mineral, renewable raw materials and waste.
Content: Possibilities and methods of material characterisation, process fundamentals, classification, calculation and design of selected conveying devices (e.g. pneumatic, hydraulic, mechanical conveying) as well as planning of conveying systems (e.g. in the context of processing mineral and renewable raw materials and waste).
Teaching methods: Lecture - 2 SWS; exercise - 2 SWS
Examination performance and awarding of credit points: The prerequisite for the awarding of credit points is passing the module examination. The module examination comprises: MP/KA (KA for 11 and more participants) [MP at least 30 min / KA
90 min]
PVL: Completion of at least 90% of the practicals and exercises, including 1 constructive exercise
PVL must be fulfilled or proven before the start of the examination.
Credit points: 4
Link to the Opal course: Here
Lecture: Classifying Machines, Crushers, Mills
Lecturer: Prof. Dr.-.Ing. Holger Lieberwirth
Competencies: The students will be enabled to select, calculate and design classifying machines, crushers and mills according to the specific requirements or their application
Content: Planning and design of classifying machines, crushers and mills (Static, Vibrating and Drum Screens, Cyclons and Air Separators; Jaw, Double Roll, Cone, Gyratory, Hammer and Impact Crushers; Tumbling, High Pressure Grinding, Vertical Roller, Vibrating, Stirred Media, Impact, Beater and Jet Mills)
Type of Teaching: Lecture - 2 SWS; Exercises - 1 SWS; Application - 1 SWS
Examination and requirements for Credit Points For the award of credit points it is necessary to pass the module exam. The module exam contains: MP/KA (KA if 10 students or more) [MP minimum 30 min / KA 90 min]
PVL: At least 90% of the exercises are completed successfully (protocols). PVL have to be satisfied before the examination.
Credit Points: 5
Link to the opal course Here
Lecture: Maintenance Engineering
Lecturer: Dr.- Ing.Ing. Thomas Zinke
Competencies: The students shall be enabled to understand maintenance as a complex of technical, technological, organizational and economic tasks and to plan the maintenance process within the framework of the production process control, to prepare it technologically and to implement it rationally, taking into account legal requirements.
- Content / Purpose / Tasks / Organisation of maintenance
- Damage processes, technical diagnostics, renewal processes
- Maintenance methods
- Planning of maintenance measures
- Maintenance organisation
- Technology of maintenance
- Reliability of technical systems
- Maintenance-friendly design and configuration
- Analysis of weak points of machines and plants
Type of Teaching: Lecture - 2 SWS
Examination and requirements for Credit Points The prerequisite for the awarding of credit points is passing the module examination. The module examination comprises: KA [90 min]
Credit Points: 3
Link to the opal course Here
Lecture: Agglomerators
Lecturer: Dr.- Ing.Ing. Thomas Krampitz
Qualification objective: Students will be able to calculate, design and use agglomerators in a targeted manner.
Content: Structure and mode of operation, operating behaviour, use, design and layout of agglomerators (e.g. pelletising, pelletising and pelletising plants).
Teaching methods: Lecture - 2 SWS; practical course - 1 SWS
Examination and awarding of credit points: The prerequisite for the awarding of credit points is passing the module examination. The module examination comprises: MP/KA (KA for 11 or more participants) [MP at least 30 min / KA 60 min]
PVL: at least 90 % of the practicals and exercises successfully completed, including one constructive exercise. PVL must be fulfilled or proven before the start of the examination.
Performance points: 4
Link to the Opal course: Here
Lecture: Recycling plants
Lecturer: Dr Thomas Krampitz
Qualification objective: Students are familiarised with the methods of plant engineering and construction as well as the calculation of plant design.Ing. Thomas Krampitz
Qualification goal: The students are familiarised with the methods of plant construction as well as with the calculation and design of selected plant construction elements and complete plants for waste (e.g. construction waste, plastics, scrap, waste wood, waste paper, waste glass, used tyres).
Content: Methods of plant construction, calculation and design of selected plant components (e.g. shredding/classifying plants, waste recycling plants). shredding/classifying machines, dedusting technology, dosing, conveying and storage technology) as well as planning of complete plants (e.g. plants for scrap processing, construction waste, waste glass, waste wood, plastics processing plants)
Teaching methods: Lecture - 2 SWS; exercise - 1 SWS
Examination and awarding of credit points: The prerequisite for the awarding of credit points is passing
the module examination. The module examination comprises: KA [90 min]
Credit points: 4
Link to the Opal course: Here
Lecturer: Dr.-Ing. Thomas Zinke
Qualification goal: The students will be able to design statically stressed steel structures and to carry out the necessary mathematical verifications. They should be able to use steel and its semi-finished products sensibly and apply suitable joining techniques. The basis for this is knowledge of the determination of stresses and load-bearing capacities.
Content: The basics of steel construction are taught in design, calculation and execution. Based on the technological properties of steel as a material and products of structural steel construction, the design of components is explained under the aspects of limit load-bearing capacity and serviceability. In addition to elastic and plastic cross-section design, typical steel construction stability cases are explained and simplified verification methods are dealt with. In addition, the basics of the design and calculation of bolted and welded connections and joints are explained.
Teaching methods: Lecture - 2 SWS; exercise - 1 SWS
Examination and awarding of credit points: The prerequisite for the awarding of credit points is passing the module examination. The module examination comprises: KA [120 min]
PVL: Exercise record. PVL must be fulfilled or proven before the start of the examination.
Credit points: 4
Link to the Opal course: Here
Summer semester
Lecture: Coarse comminution machines
Lecturer: Prof. Dr.-.Ing. Holger Lieberwirth
Qualification objective: Students will be able to calculate, design and
use coarse crushing machines in a targeted manner.
Content: Design and layout of crushers (e.g. jaw, cone crushers). of jaw, cone, roll, impact and hammer crushers), design of crusher tools.
Teaching methods: Lecture - 3 SWS; tutorial - 1 SWS; practical course - 1 SWS
Examination and awarding of credit points: The prerequisite for the awarding of credit points is passing the module examination. The module examination comprises: MP/KA (KA for 11 and more participants) [MP at least 60 min / KA 90 min]
PVL: At least 90% of the practicals and exercises successfully completed (protocols), including one constructive exercise. PVL must be fulfilled or proven before the start of the examination.
Credit points: 6
Link to the Opal course: Here
Lecture: Fine comminution machines
Lecturer: Prof. Dr.-.Holger Lieberwirth
Qualification objective: Students will be able to calculate, design and use fine comminution machines in a targeted manner.
Content: Design and layout of machines for fine and ultra-fine comminution (mills, e.g. tumbling mills, vibrating mills, agitator bead mills, roller mills, roller mills, high-bed roller mills, impact mills and jet mills, static and dynamic classifiers, aerocyclones)
Teaching methods: Lecture - 3 SWS; tutorial - 1 SWS; practical course - 1 SWS
Examination performance and awarding of credit points: The prerequisite for the awarding of credit points is passing the module examination. The module examination comprises: MP/KA (KA for 11 and more participants) [MP at least 60 min / KA 90 min]
PVL: At least 90% of the practicals and exercises successfully completed (protocols), including one constructive exercise. PVL must be fulfilled or proven before the start of the examination.
Credit points: 6
Link to the Opal course: Here
Lecture: Materials Handling
Lecturer: Prof. Dr.- Ing.Ing. Holger Lieberwirth
Competencies: Starting out from the methods of material characterisation and the fundamentals of the different processes, the students acquire competences regarding the possibilities of various conveying techniques (pneumatic, hydraulic, mechanical conveying), the associated machines / apparatuses and the calculation and design of selected conveyors and conveying systems for mineral, renewable raw materials and waste.
Content: Possibilities and methods of bulk material characterisation, process basics, classification, calculation and design of selected conveyors (pneumatic, hydraulic, mechanical) as well as design of conveyor systems (for example in the processing of primary and secondary raw materials as well as waste).
Type of Teaching: Lecture - 2 SWS; Exercises - 1 SWS
Examination and requirements for Credit Points For the award of credit points it is necessary to pass the module exam. The module exam contains: MP/KA (KA if 10 students or more) [MP minimum 30 min / KA 90 min]
PVL: At least 90% of the exercises are completed successfully (protocols). PVL have to be satisfied before the examination.
Credit Points: 4
Link to the opal course Here
Lecture: Dedusting systems
Lecturer: Dr.- Ing.Ing. Pierre Langgraf
Qualification objective: The students will be able to calculate and design equipment and systems for dedusting.
Content: Calculation and design of dedusting systems (e.g. gravity and inertia dedusters, centrifugal and electric dedusters, filtering separators, wet dedusters) as well as safety devices for explosion protection (e.g. bursting discs, explosion vents). e.g. bursting discs, explosion relief flaps)
Teaching methods: Lecture - 2 SWS; tutorial - 1 SWS; practical course - 1 SWS
Examination and awarding of credit points: The prerequisite for the awarding of credit points is passing the module examination. The module examination comprises: KA [90 min] PVL: Completion of at least 90 % of the practicals and exercises (protocols), including one constructive exercise. PVL must be completed or proof of completion must be provided before the examination begins.
Credit points: 5
Link to the Opal course: Here
Lecture: Processing plants for mineral raw materials
Lecturer: Dr.- Ing.Ing. Thomas Zinke
Qualification objective: The students are familiarised with the methods of plant construction as well as with the calculation and design of selected plant construction elements and complete plants for materials with brittle material behaviour (e.g. solid/loose rock, ores, salts, coal).
Content: Methods of plant construction, calculation and design of selected plant components (e.g. comminution/classification systems). crushing/classifying machines, dedusting technology, dosing, conveying and storage technology) as well as planning of complete plants (e.g. plants for cement production, crushed stone/gravel and sand/gravel plants)
Teaching methods: Lecture - 2 SWS; tutorial - 2 SWS
Examination and awarding of credit points: Successful defence of a project planning document (defence lasts max. 60 minutes)
Credit points: 4
Link to the Opal course: Here
Lecture: Maintenance
Lecturer: Dr.-.Thomas Zinke
Qualification objective: Students should be able to understand maintenance as a complex of technical, technological, organisational and economic tasks and to plan the maintenance process within the framework of production process control, to prepare it to a large extent technologically and to carry it out rationally, taking into account legal requirements.
- Content/objective/tasks/organisation of maintenance
- Damage processes, technical diagnostics, renewal processes
- Maintenance methods
- Planning of maintenance measures
- Maintenance organisation
- Maintenance technology
- Reliability of technical systems
- Maintenance-oriented design and project planning
- Weak point analysis of machines and systems
Teaching methods: Lecture - 2 SWS
Examination performance and awarding of credit points: The prerequisite for the awarding of credit points is passing the module examination. The module examination comprises: KA [90 min]
Credit points: 3
Link to the Opal course: Here
Lecture: Material recycling
Lecturer: Dr.-Ing. Thomas Krampitz
Qualification objective: Students are given an overview of the special characterisation options and the processes, machines and procedures for recycling scrap and waste. They will be able to select, dimension and purposefully use classifying and sorting equipment, automatic compacting systems and selected machines for compacting waste and scrap.
Content: Problems of material recycling and classification of waste and scrap; characterisation options for waste heaps made of irregularly shaped pieces; potential hazards; special features of waste treatment processes; selection and dimensioning of classifying (e.g. drum screens, drum screens, waste compactors) and sorting machines.(e.g. drum screens, bar sizers) and sorting equipment (individual and mass flow sorting, e.g. separators, magnetic and eddy current separators, electrosorting; automatic picking using NIR modules) and compacting equipment for waste and scrap
Teaching methods: Lecture - 2 SWS; excursion 1 day
Examination performance and awarding of credit points: The prerequisite for the awarding of credit points is passing
the module examination. The module examination comprises: MP/KA (KA for 6 or more participants) [MP at least 30 min / KA 60 min]
Credit points: 3
Link to the Opal course: Here
Lecture: Mechanical recycling processes
Lecturer: Dr.-Ing. Th. Krampitz
Qualification objective: Students will gain an overview of the handling of waste, its regulatory peculiarities and characteristic properties as well as the processes, machines and procedures for the recycling of scrap and solid waste. They will be able to select, dimension and utilise classifying and sorting equipment, automatic compactors and selected machines for compacting waste and scrap. It also provides an overview of the application of specific comminution techniques for processing non-brittle materials from the waste sector. This includes the influence of particle shape, which has a significant impact on sorting behaviour. Students will be able to select shredding machines for non-brittle materials for targeted use and assess them in terms of calculation, design and wear.
Content: Problems of material recycling and classification of solid waste and scrap with assignment to waste code numbers; sampling and characterisation options for waste piles of irregularly shaped pieces; potential hazards; Authorisation situation for the treatment of waste, integration of findings into the design phase of new products, evaluation of recycling processes and the recyclability of products; special features of waste treatment processes; selection and dimensioning of classifying and sorting equipment (individual and mass flow sorting, e.g. classifiers, magnetic ande.g. classifiers, magnetic and eddy current separators, electric sorting; sensor-assisted sorting and use of AI); classification, application criteria, special features of the various shredding principles in the field of non-brittle materials as well as rules for the construction and design of rotor shears (granulators), rotor shredders and rotor cutters.
Teaching methods: Lecture - 2 SWS
Link to the opal course: Here