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Blick in die Ausstellungsräume der Mineralogischen Dauerausstellung
Blick in die Ausstellungsräume der Mineralogischen Dauerausstellung

The exhibition consists of several parts:

  • The systematic exhibition is organised according to the classification of H. STRUNZ and the textbook "Spezielle Mineralogie" by H.J. RÖSLER. 
    Crystal chemical data as well as genetic relationships are taken into account.
  • A regional exhibition shows minerals from the eastern federal states 
    with a focus on "Minerals of the Erzgebirge".
  • Special exhibitions are dedicated to the following topics, for example: Crystallography, Jewellery and precious stones, Meteorites, Pseudomorphs, Whewellite, Minerals in organisms, Historical minerals, Saxon type localities, Silicified wood, Amber