Some of our research projects at the chair are listed below. The project descriptions are being updated.
Ongoing Research Projects
- ThermoSENS - Charakterisierung von Geothermalreservoiren im Festgestein bezügli…
- MARDSS - Entwicklung konzeptioneller MAR Modelle (Managed Aquifer Recharge)
- iMolch - Sustainable water management concepts using innovative monitoring stra…
- Reifenabrieb - Effekte von Reifenabrieb auf straßennahe Böden und deren Ökosyst…
- ResuS – Recycling von subhydrischen Sedimenten
- Uranium background in groundwater of the mine of Königstein
- UnClog-ATES - Clogging and countermeasures in ATES: Experiments, modeling and f…
- MineATES - Use of groundwater-filled mining cavities as thermal energy storage
- ReCAp - The Relevance of Impacts by Climate Change and Anthropogenic Activity f…
- ModSimple Phase 2 - Entwicklung und Validierung eines modularen Simulationswerk…
- Classification of precipitation water on railway tracks
- PrePat - Mobilität von Bakterien, Viren und Antibiotikaresistenzgenen im Grundw…
- Gutachterliche Begleitung der finalen Flutung der Urangrube Königstein der Wism…
Completed Research Projects
PTDF/DAAD - Contaminant transport modeling of trace organic compounds (TrOCs), towards future groundwater quality-quantity predictions and effective management strategies in the Nigeria Oil-producing cities - (Chimankpam Kenneth Ezugwu)
Alexander von Humboldt - (Dibyanshu Dibyanshu)
Philipp-Schwarz-Initiative - (Massouda Sidiqi)
DAAD Fact Finding Mission TunE - Sichere Trinkwasserversorgung und nachhaltige Energieerzeugung