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Completed Doctoral Dissertations

Lisa Werthschütz (geb. Jarosch)2024Talsperren und Tagebaufolgeseen – Entwicklung von Gewässerhaushalt und Beschaffenheit unter dynamischen Randbedingungen
Van Hung Vu2021Assessing groundwater resources in Hanoi, Vietnam
Isabelle Weber2021Quantifizierung des Bodenwasserhaushalts von Lysimetern mit Böschungen aus natürlichen Böden und technogenen Substraten
Ahmed A. Abdulameer2021Geophysical and geochemical investigations to detect the groundwater contamination in Al-Zubayr area/Basra Governorate southern Iraq
Alireza Arab2020Carbon dioxide under high pressure and temperature:
Application in geothermal energy and in-situ recovery of valuable elements
Nadja Schmidt2019Hydrochemical investigations of salt lake brines with regard to the sources and enrichment of lithium
Cornelia Wilske2019Identification of water origin and water-rock interaction in a complex multi-aquifer system in the Dead Sea Rift applying chemistry and isotopes
Shimelis Berhanu Gebere2019Estimation of Groundwater Recharge over dry Lake Haramaya Watershed, Ethiopia
Majid A. Kadhum
2018Geochemical, hydrochemical and environmental assessment of the Al-Batin Alluvial Fan, southern Iraq
2018Hydrogeological Investigation and Modeling on Local-Scale Arsenic-Affected Area in Bangladesh
2017Environmental Impact Assessment on Oil Shale Extraction in Central Jordan
2016Geochemical and isotope investigations of carbonate sinter - 2000 years of water supply management in Palestine
Aras O.
2016Hydrogeological and Environmental Assessment of Tanjero Area, Kurdistan Region, Iraq
Rudy Abo2016Hydrogeological investigation and modeling of the central and southwestern parts of Aleppo basin, Syria
Shwan Omar Ismael2015Hydrogeological and Hydrochemical Investigations of the Ahaqlawa-Harrir Basin in Kurdistand, Iraq
Hussein Abed Jassas2015Integrated water resources managment in Al-Khazir Gomel Basin, Northern Iraq
2015Modeling Hydrogeological and Suspended Sediment Transport in the Upper Reach of the Spree River Germany
Mohammed Mustafa
2015Karst Hydrogeology and Hydrogeochemistry of Makook Karst System, Kurdistan Region, Iraq
Mohammed Omer
2015Hydrogeology and hydrochemistry of Mosul Dam Lake, Iraq
Stephanie Hurst2014Radium- und Radon-Isotopen-Untersuchungen als Hilfsmittel für die Aquiferdiagnose unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der geochemischen und hydrochemischen Verhältnisse im Grundwasserleiter
2014Hydraulic Investigations of the Salar de Uyuni, Bolivia
Ramadan Abdelaziz2014Modeling of groundwater flow heterogeneity in fractured aquifers
Wondemagegnehu Gezahegne2013TRLFS and EXAFS investigations and characterisations of the interaction of uranium(VI) with arsenate in aqueous solutions
Zheenbek Kulenbekov2013Enironmental impact assessment study of Kadji-Sau uranium tailing and Issyk-Kul lake, Kyrgyzstan
Sosina Shimelese Heile2013VS2DRT - Variably saturated two dimensional reactive transport modeling in the vadose zone
Sreejesh Nair2012Interaction of Uranium-, Magnesium-, Calcium-, Strontium-, and Arsenic Species in Natural Water and its Impact on Mobility of Uranium
2012Effect of Microbial Siderophore DFO-B on Metal Mobility and Bioavailability
2012Ground water investigation and modeling in the western area of Iraq
2012Coherent gas flow patterns in heterogeneous permeability fields; from bench-scale to field-scale. (co-supervising with Helmut Geistlinger, UFZ)
Franziska Steinbruch2011Remote sensing techniques to investigate and monitor hydrodynamics of the lake Urema wetland system, Mozambique
2011Treatment of acid mine lakes - Lab and field studies
Thorsten Lange2011Tracing Flow and Salinization Processes at selected Locations of Israel and the West Bank - the Judea Group Aquifer and the Shallow Aquifer of Jericho.(co-supervising with martin Sauter, University Göttigne and Stephan Weise, UFZ)
2011Rainfall-Runoff Modeling in Arid Areas
Taleb S. A Odeh2011Structural control on groundwater chemistry, recharge and flow – Integrated approach using remote sensing, GIS and modelling: The case study of Wadi Zerka Ma’in catchment area, Jordan. (co-supervising with Mario Schirmer, UFZ and Richard Gloaguen)
Samer Bachmaf2010Uranium Sorption on Clay Minerals: Laboratory Experiments and Surface Complexation Modeling
Clement Mbudi2009Understanding Sorption Mechanisms of Uranium onto elemental Iron, Minerals and Shewanella putrefaciens Surfaces in the Presence of Arsenic
Sebastian Kolitsch2008Hydrogeologische Analyse und großräumige Modellierung des weiteren Vorerzgebirgssenkenraumes
Götz Leeder2008Das Verhalten von BTX-Aromaten in der ungesättigten Bodenzone


No claim to completeness. We look forward to feedback.