We have recently published a study an the effect of SO2 on the soot oxidation performance of a highly active manganese oxide catalyst. This work refers to a joint cooperation with Prof. Avelina García-García and her team from University of Alicante. The investigation is part of our long-term research on the catalytic soot oxidation useful for the regeneration of diesel and gasoline particulate traps. The soot particle removal is of continous interest even in the context of renewable fuels such as HVO and MtG. The paper is available by open access under the following link:
Further studies of our group on the soot oxidation using manganese oxide catalysts have lately been published in Applied Catalysis A: General and Applied Catalysis B: Environmental. The links to these articles are as follows:
As a scientific appetizer, the HRTEM image at the right site shows some of our nano-sized catalyst particles located onto a primary soot entity. Our studies suggest that this intimate contact between soot and catalyst particles is crucial for an efficient soot oxidation performance.