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Diesel engine to investigate exhaust gas catalysts under realistic conditions
  • Several laboratory benches to test catalysts at flows of 0.5 to 100 l/min; use of different catalyst geometries (honeycombs, powders, granulates, sheets)
  • Continuously operating trickle bed reactor for heterogeneously catalyzed reactions under
    high pressure (150 bar)
  • Laboratory benches to investigate catalysts under high pressure conditions relevant for the Fischer-Tropsch synthesis, methanol synthesis, methanation and NH3 synthesis
  • Soot generator (diffusion burner) for generating a realistic model exhaust gas containing soot and testing particulate filter systems (DPF, GPF); soot production: 0.3 to 3 mg/min
  • Laboratory apparatus for dosing AdBlue
  • Engine test bench (1.5 liter diesel engine with direct injection) for testing exhaust catalytic converters under realistic conditions
X-ray photoelectron spectrometer (XPS)
  • Apparatus for production of nanoparticles using flame spray pyrolysis
  • Reactors for kinetic studies (stationary and transient conditions)
  • Standard gas analysis (e.g. FTIR, NDIR, MS, WLD)
  • Detailed analysis technology for complex mixtures of gaseous and liquid hydrocarbons (GC/FID, GC/MS, GC/WLD, DHA standard)
  • Multi-spectroscopy test stand for spatially resolved analysis of catalysts under in-situ conditions
  • X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS)
  • ATR-IR spectroscopy
  • In-situ DRIFT, Raman and DRUV/VIS spectroscopy with coupled gas-phase analysis
  • 57Fe Mössbauer spectroscopy
Thermogram recorded on the multi-spectroscopy test stand
  • Investigations with isotope-labeled gases (e.g. SSITKA)
  • Thermal camera
  • Extensive surface and solid-state characterization (e.g. NH3-TPD, HTPR, H2-TPD, CO-TPD, BET, Hg porosimetry and XRD)
  • Autoclaves for batch and semi-batch operation
  • Batch reactors for liquid phase reactions
  • Distillation units (rotary evaporators, micro-vacuum distillation)
  • Reaction calorimeter RC 1 (for gas/liquid reactions)
  • High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)
  • Titration devices
  • Apparatus for characterizing liquid fuels according to DIN or ASTM 
    • Boiling behavior according to ENGLER 
    • Cold filter plugging point (CFPP)
    • Pseudo-component composition (Soxhlet extraction) 
    • Knock resistance of gasoline fuels (octane number test engine)
    • Temperature-viscosity behavior
  • Flame spray pyrolysis
  • Hydrothermal synthesis
  • Microwaves
  • Precipitation
  • Complexation
  • Ceramic method
Catalyst tests:
  • Test benches with fixed bed reactors
  • Gradient-free loop reactor
  • FTIR spectrometers
  • Mass spectrometers
  • GC/FID/MS analytics
  • Infrared camera
  • Soot generator
Infrarot-Spektrometer (DRIFTS-Aufbau)
Diffuse reflectance infrared Fourier transform spectrometer (DRIFTS)
Moessbauer spectrometer