SelbKat project:
Self-cleaning catalytic retrofit system to reduce CO and fine dust in the exhaust gas from fireplaces and wood-burning stoves

The overall aim of the proposed project is to develop a self-cleaning catalytic retrofit system for biomass-fired and therefore CO2-neutral stoves and fireplaces to meet the emission limit values of the BImSchV for CO and fine dust.
For this purpose, the development of a solution using SMA (shape memory alloy) is planned, through which the catalytic converter switches on automatically and without external energy supply after the combustion phase, depending on the flue gas temperature. The catalytic converter will also clean itself mechanically when it is switched on.
Furthermore, a bimetallic oxidation catalyst based on manganese and iron oxide is to be developed, which starts up quickly, is cost-effective, stable at high temperatures and over long periods and is toxicologically safe.