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FeKat project:
Knowledge-based development of iron oxides for desulphurization and exhaust gas purification in CO2-neutral biomethane engines


A new research project for the knowledge-based development of iron oxides for desulphurization and exhaust gas purification in CO2-neutral biogas engines started on 01.07.2018. The research project is funded by the Sächsische Aufbaubank (SAB) and the European Union. In cooperation with the DBI - Gastechnologisches Institut gGmbH Freiberg, the new project aims to secure future CO2-neutral energy generation from biogas using stationary lean-burn engines.

Biomethane is increasingly being used as a fuel for generating electricity and heat, for example in decentralized combined heat and power plants for residential and commercial buildings. Combined heat and power plants are generally operated with gas engines in the 2kW to 1500kW output classes and efficiencies of up to around 95%. When using biomethane, however, its relatively high H2S content (up to 30ppm) is problematic, leading to damage to the engine and the emission of environmentally harmful sulphur dioxide (SO2). Furthermore, biomethane combustion results in increased emissions of toxic formaldehyde (CH2O), while unburned methane (CH4) contributes significantly to the greenhouse effect (factor 25 compared to CO2). It is therefore essential to desulphurize the biomethane and clean the exhaust gas of formaldehyde and methane to ensure CO2-neutral energy production in the long term.

The "FeKat" research project aims to develop an economically viable and technically efficient solution through the use of innovative iron oxides. This solution involves the use of iron oxide for H2S adsorption directly upstream of the engine and the use of an iron oxide catalyst for the simultaneous oxidation of CH2O and CH4 in the exhaust gas of stationary gas engines.

The scientific and technical objective of the project is therefore the development of highly efficient iron oxide materials for the

  • adsorptive removal of sulphur components (sub-project DBI-GTI), in particular H2S, from biomethane, down to a content of 5ppm - thus efficiently counteracting damage to the engine and exhaust catalytic converter as well as engine emissions of SOx

and the

  • catalyzed oxidation of CH4 and CH2O (sub-project TUBAF) in the exhaust gas of stationary lean-burn engines that are operated with the desulphurized biomethane. The innovative oxidation catalyst is intended to limit the emission of the two harmful gases to a maximum of 80ppm in accordance with the legal requirements of "TA Luft" and be active at common exhaust gas temperatures (450 - 500°C). As a result, no special regulation of the engine or cleaning stage is required.