Your degree programme at the Institute of Processing Machines and Recycling Systems Engineering... practice-oriented, renowned & individual!
Are you interested in powerful machines that seem to crush granite blocks the size of cupboards with ease, or how to separate the finest gold dust from sand? Are you looking for "something to touch", something to automate or something with computer simulation - or perhaps all of the above? Then you've come to the right place!
On the Mechanical Engineering degree programme, you decide to specialise in processing machines after your second year of study
- a practice-oriented field of study that will open up many career prospects for you. In your Bachelor's thesis or project work, you will develop solutions to specific design or scientific questions, which are often posed directly by one of our industrial partners. The spectrum ranges from computer simulations to experiments on real machines and natural materials.
In addition, you can also attend courses in environmental engineering (if you choose the specialisation in recycling) and industrial engineering (if you choose the specialisation in mechanical engineering).