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University members and all private individuals resident in Germany can order and borrow media and use the e-resources offered by the University Library. A library card is required for this.

Logging in and logging out is possible during service hours.

Contact Lending Team

TU Bergakademie Freiberg
University Library

Winklerstraße 3
09599 Freiberg

+49 3731 39-2816
ausleihe [at] ub [dot] tu-freiberg [dot] de


  • With your student ID card, you automatically have a library account in the University Library with which you can use the services of the University Library.
  • Login to the library account and all services, e.g. reservations and orders, is done with the library number (back of student ID card) and the date of birth set beforehand.
  • Your student email address is automatically stored in your library account.

Changes & loss of library card

  • Please register any change of name or address or change of user group via the self-service portal.

  • If you lose your library card, please block your User account immediately to prevent misuse of your library account and notify the University Library's circulation desk.
  • You can obtain a new student ID at Zulassungsbüro.


  • TUBAF requires proof of discharge upon de-registration.
  • This proof will only be confirmed by the library if no media are borrowed or fees are outstanding.
  • The completed form must be presented with the student ID card during library service hours at the information desk on the 1st floor.


  • With your library card, you automatically have a library account in the University Library with which you can use the services of the University Library.
  • Login to the library account and all services, e.g. reservations and orders, is done with the library number (back of student card) and the pre-set date of birth.
  • Your work email address is automatically stored in your library account.

Changes & loss of ID card

  • Please register any name changes and changes to the user group via Identity Management (IDM).

Cancellation of employment

  • A proof of discharge is required by TUBAF upon termination of employment.
  • This proof will only be confirmed by the library if no media are borrowed or fees are outstanding.
  • The completed form must be presented with the service card at the information desk on the 1st floor during library service hours.


  • Persons over the age of 14 and with a German residence can register with their identity card or passport and confirmation of registration.
  • Persons under the age of 16 also require a declaration of liability from their parents.
  • Guests are issued a library card for a fee of 16 euros. If the card is lost, this fee will be charged again.
  • Additional fees will only be charged in the case of special services or if loan periods are exceeded.

Changes & loss of card

  • Any change of name or address must be reported.

  • If you lose your library card, please block your


  • You can cancel your membership during service hours and return your library card.
    • Note: A new registration fee of 16 euros will be charged if you register again.

Detailed terms and conditions of use can be found in our user regulations.