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Keep informed

Science thrives on the open exchange of knowledge. The Open Science movement is increasingly shaping science, science policy and science funding worldwide. The year 2023 has been declared the "Year of Open Science" by the White House and NASA, together with other US federal departments and agencies, to publicise, promote and expand measures and benefits of open science.

The Freiberg University Library has taken these developments as an opportunity to set up a new service: the Open Science Snack. Since June 2023, we have been informing you regularly in short articles (max. 1 page) about the most important open science topics for your everyday research (e.g. open access publication funding at TUBAF, research data management, open science initiatives), tailored to the range of subjects and existing infrastructures at TU Bergakademie Freiberg. We also provide you with an overview of current developments in science policy and funding requirements as well as useful tips on events, publications, podcasts, tools, etc. in the context of open science.


New section: Featured

Are you working on Open Science-related projects? We are now offering you the opportunity to briefly present them in an issue of the Open Science Snack.


  • Development of open source software
  • Development of reusable teaching materials
  • Publication of an open access journal
  • Collaboration in a consortium, a section or on a basic service of the NFDI

Published issues to date:

Subscribe to the Snack

If you would like to receive the Open Science Snack conveniently by email on the day of publication, please subscribe using our form.

Have you missed an issue? Then you can access it and all others at any time on our document server Qucosa.

Dr. Stefanie Nagel
Head of the Open Science department
Winklerstrasse 3
09599 Freiberg
openscience [at] +49 3731 39-2480