For the second time, scholarships from the self-initiated program were ceremoniously presented at the Center for Efficient High Temperature Material Conversion on 20 December. A total of ten scholarship holders from four faculties received the interdisciplinary ZeHS scholarship.

Successful students at an advanced Master's level from the approximately 40 working groups of ZeHS members were invited to apply. "I am very grateful to the scholarship providers from the Stifterverband that we are able to continue and further expand the scholarship programme after last year's launch. We want to support the scholarship holders in engaging in an interdisciplinary exchange with each other, for which the funding is also available," says Prof. Dirk C. Meyer, Academic Spokesperson. "The scholarship holders should once again be able to meet at suitable locations and at their home institutes and also invite guests who are speaking in front of a larger auditorium and require support for their travel expenses."
As the award ceremony took place on the last day of lectures before the Christmas vacations, the recipients were able to take part in the ZeHS community Christmas carol singing immediately afterwards.