Dean - Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Andreas Bräuer
+49 3731 39-3120; -2376 / dekan [at] dekanat4 [dot] tu-freiberg [dot] de (dekan[at]dekanat4[dot]tu-freiberg[dot]de)
Vice Dean - Prof. Dr.-Ing. Henning Zeidler
+49 3731 39-3066 / henning [dot] zeidler [at] imkf [dot] tu-freiberg [dot] de (henning[dot]zeidler[at]imkf[dot]tu-freiberg[dot]de)
Dean's Councillor - Dipl.-.Betriebsw. (FH) Dana Gehler
+49 3731 39-3182 / Dana [dot] Gehler [at] dekanat4 [dot] tu-freiberg [dot] de (Dana[dot]Gehler[at]dekanat4[dot]tu-freiberg[dot]de)
Dean's Office - Sophie Poprawa
+49 3731 39-2686 / Sophie [dot] Poprawa [at] dekanat4 [dot] tu-freiberg [dot] de (Sophie[dot]Poprawa[at]dekanat4[dot]tu-freiberg[dot]de)
Student Marketing - Anne Sophie Fritzsch
+49 3731 39-3331 / Anne-Sophie [dot] Fritzsch [at] dekanat4 [dot] tu-freiberg [dot] de (Anne-Sophie[dot]Fritzsch[at]dekanat4[dot]tu-freiberg[dot]de)
Education Officer - Dr. Andrea Dög
for all German-language degree programmes
+49 3731 39-2561 / Andrea [dot] Doeg [at] dekanat4 [dot] tu-freiberg [dot] de (Andrea[dot]Doeg[at]dekanat4[dot]tu-freiberg[dot]de)
Consultation hours: Tuesday 9:30 - 11 am; Friday 9:30 - 11:30 am
Registration via Opal
Education Officer - Dr. Egle Dietzen
for all English-language degree programmes
+49 3731 39-3094 / Egle [dot] Dietzen [at] dekanat4 [dot] tu-freiberg [dot] de (Egle[dot]Dietzen[at]dekanat4[dot]tu-freiberg[dot]de)
Consultation hours: Monday 9:30 - 11:00 am; Thursday 12:30 - 2:30 pm
Leipziger Straße 30
09599 Freiberg
Fakultät für Maschinenbau, Verfahrens- und Energietechnik
Leipziger Straße 30
09599 Freiberg
Structure of the faculty
Ordnung zur Verleihung des Preises durch die Fakultät für Maschinenbau, Verfahrens- und Energietechnik
Faculty Council
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Tobias Fieback, tobias [dot] fieback [at] ttd [dot] tu-freiberg [dot] de
Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Andreas Siegfried Bräuer, andreas [dot] braeuer [at] tu-freiberg [dot] de
Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Björn Kiefer, Ph.D., Bjoern [dot] Kiefer [at] imfd [dot] tu-freiberg [dot] de
Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Andreas Richter, A [dot] Richter [at] iec [dot] tu-freiberg [dot] de
Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Rüdiger Schwarze, Ruediger [dot] Schwarze [at] imfd [dot] tu-freiberg [dot] de
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Henning Zeidler, Henning [dot] Zeidler [at] imkf [dot] tu-freiberg [dot] de
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Andreas Rehkopf, Andreas [dot] Rehkopf [at] aut [dot] tu-freiberg [dot] de
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Alfons Ams, Alfons [dot] Ams [at] imfd [dot] tu-freiberg [dot] de
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Holger Lieberwirth, Holger [dot] Lieberwirth [at] iart [dot] tu-freiberg [dot] de
Dr.-Ing. Rhena Wulf, Rhena [dot] Wulf [at] ttd [dot] tu-freiberg [dot] de
Dr.-Ing. Steffen Krzack, Steffen [dot] Krzack [at] iec [dot] tu-freiberg [dot] de
Dr.-Ing. Tilo Zienert, tilo [dot] zienert [at] ikfvw [dot] tu-freiberg [dot] de
Dipl.-Ing. Johanna Adam, Johanna [dot] Adam [at] imfd [dot] tu-freiberg [dot] de
Uwe Engmann, Uwe [dot] Engmann [at] imb [dot] tu-freiberg [dot] de
Hannes Klessig, Hannes [dot] Klessig [at] student [dot] tu-freiberg [dot] de
Paul Weckbrod, Paul [dot] Weckbrod [at] student [dot] tu-freiberg [dot] de
Q.-J. Sandhöfner, Quentin-Jakob [dot] Sandhoefner [at] student [dot] tu-freiberg [dot] de
Study commissions and deans of studies
- Prof. Dr.-Ing. Henning Zeidler - Dean of Studies
Karl-Kegel-Bau, Agricolastr. 1, Zi. Zimmer 90
Telephone +49 3731 39-3066
henning [dot] zeidler [at] imkf [dot] tu-freiberg [dot] de (henning[dot]zeidler[at]imkf[dot]tu-freiberg[dot]de) - Prof. Kröger
- Prof. Aneziris
- Vanessa Rucks (BAF)
- Maximilian Lenz (BAF)
- Hannes Klessig (DMB)
- Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Bernhard Eidel (Chairman and Dean of Studies)
Lampadiusstraße 4, Weisbach-Bau, Zi. 125
Phone +49 3731 39-4138
Bernhard [dot] Eidel [at] imfd [dot] tu-freiberg [dot] de (Bernhard[dot]Eidel[at]imfd[dot]tu-freiberg[dot]de) - Prof. B. Kiefer
- Prof. O. Rheinbach
- Deshmukh, Aditya (CMS)
- Periyasamy, Pradeep (CMS)
- Neelakandan, Aagashram (CMS)
- Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Andreas Bräuer
Leipziger Straße 28 (Rammler-Bau), 1st floor, room 126
Phone +49 3731 39-2376
andreas [dot] braeuer [at] tu-freiberg [dot] de (andreas[dot]braeuer[at]tu-freiberg[dot]de) - Prof. Fieback
- Prof. Kröger
- Helene Liebich (BENG)
- Hannes Klessig (DMB)
Christoph Sachse (MET)
Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. R. Schwarze
Lampadiusstraße 4, Weisbach-Bau, Zi. 222a
+49 3731 39 2486
Ruediger [dot] Schwarze [at] imfd [dot] tu-freiberg [dot] de (Ruediger[dot]Schwarze[at]imfd[dot]tu-freiberg[dot]de)
- Junior Professor Sindy Fuhrman - Dean of Studies
Leipziger Straße 28, Erich-Rammler-Bau, Zi. 203
+49 3731 39-3351
sindy [dot] fuhrmann [at] igt [dot] tu-freiberg [dot] de (sindy[dot]fuhrmann[at]igt[dot]tu-freiberg[dot]de) - Prof. Aneziris
- Prof. Zeidler
- Tom Weber (KGB)
- Quentin Sandhöfer (KGB)
- Johann Ksiensik (KGB)
- Prof. Dr.-Ing. Matthias Kröger - Dean of Studies and Chairman PA
Agricolastr. 1, Karl-Kegel-Bau, Zi. 67
+49 3731 39-2997
Kroeger [at] imkf [dot] tu-freiberg [dot] de (Kroeger[at]imkf[dot]tu-freiberg[dot]de) - Prof. Schwarze
- Prof. Lieberwirth
- Annelie Berger (DMB)
- Christoph Sachse (MET)
- Hannes Klessig (DMB)
- Prof. Dr Urs Peuker - Dean of Studies and Chairman PA
Agricolastraße 1, Karl-Kegel-Bau, Zi. 1058
+49 3731 39-2916
urs [dot] peuker [at] mvtat [dot] tu-freiberg [dot] de (urs[dot]peuker[at]mvtat[dot]tu-freiberg[dot]de) - Prof. Schwarze
- Prof. Kröger
- Abdulla, Amir (MPE)
- Francis, Jobin (MPE)
- Panwala, Harsh (MPE)
- Prof. Dr.-Olena Volkova - Dean of Studies - Chairwoman
Leipziger Straße 34, Zi. 105
+49 3731 39-3100
volkova [at] iest [dot] tu-freiberg [dot] de (volkova[at]iest[dot]tu-freiberg[dot]de) - Prof. Aneziris
- Prof. Schwarze
- Prof. Charitos
- Stefan Aaron Thun (WWT)
- Ulrich Meier (WWT) (until March 2024)
- Johann Ksiensik (KGB)
- Magzhan Kapessov (TAIEM)
- Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Andreas Bräuer
Leipziger Straße 28 (Rammler-Bau), Zi. 126
+49 3731 39-2376
andreas [dot] braeuer [at] tu-freiberg [dot] de (andreas[dot]braeuer[at]tu-freiberg[dot]de) - Prof. Kureti
- Prof. Lieberwirth
- Marius Kropf (VT)
- Clara Zerbs (VT)
- Antonia Juraschek (MUWE)
- Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Andreas Bräuer
Leipziger Straße 28 (Rammler-Bau), Zi. 126
+49 3731 39-2376
andreas [dot] braeuer [at] tu-freiberg [dot] de (andreas[dot]braeuer[at]tu-freiberg[dot]de) - Prof. Kureti
- Prof. Lieberwirth
- Marius Kropf
- Clara Zerbs
- Antonia Juraschek
Audit committees and chairpersons
- Prof. Kröger (Chairman)
- Prof. Bräuer
- Jun. Prof. Sindy Fuhrmann
- Dr. Rhena Wulf
- Johann Ksiensik (KGB)
- Hannes Klessig (DMB) deputy student member
- Prof Eidel (Chairman)
- Prof Rheinbach
- Prof Kiefer
- Dr Omar El`Khatib`
- Narkhede, Rahul-Vishnu
- Prof. Peuker (Chairman)
- Prof. Schwarze
- Prof. Kröger
- Thomas Buchwald
- Panwala, Harsh (MPE)
- Prof. Volkova (Chair)
- Prof. Aneziris
- Prof. Schwarze
- Dr. Kreschel (Fac. 5)
- Quentin Sandhöfner (KGB)
Equal Opportunities Officer
Dipl.-Ing. Johanna Adam
Lampadiusstraße 2, Room Weisbach-Bau 223
+49 3731 39-3846
Johanna [dot] Adam [at] imfd [dot] tu-freiberg [dot] de (Johanna[dot]Adam[at]imfd[dot]tu-freiberg[dot]de)
Student representation
Fachschaftsrat Fakultät 4 - TU Bergakademie Freiberg
Leipziger Straße 28, 09599 Freiberg
fsr4 [at] stura [dot] tu-freiberg [dot] de