Completed Doctoral Dissertations
Name | Year | Title |
Lisa Werthschütz (geb. Jarosch) | 2024 | Talsperren und Tagebaufolgeseen – Entwicklung von Gewässerhaushalt und Beschaffenheit unter dynamischen Randbedingungen |
Van Hung Vu | 2021 | Assessing groundwater resources in Hanoi, Vietnam |
Isabelle Weber | 2021 | Quantifizierung des Bodenwasserhaushalts von Lysimetern mit Böschungen aus natürlichen Böden und technogenen Substraten |
Ahmed A. Abdulameer | 2021 | Geophysical and geochemical investigations to detect the groundwater contamination in Al-Zubayr area/Basra Governorate southern Iraq |
Alireza Arab | 2020 | Carbon dioxide under high pressure and temperature: Application in geothermal energy and in-situ recovery of valuable elements |
Nadja Schmidt | 2019 | Hydrochemical investigations of salt lake brines with regard to the sources and enrichment of lithium |
Cornelia Wilske | 2019 | Identification of water origin and water-rock interaction in a complex multi-aquifer system in the Dead Sea Rift applying chemistry and isotopes |
Shimelis Berhanu Gebere | 2019 | Estimation of Groundwater Recharge over dry Lake Haramaya Watershed, Ethiopia |
Majid A. Kadhum Alkinani | 2018 | Geochemical, hydrochemical and environmental assessment of the Al-Batin Alluvial Fan, southern Iraq |
Wael Kanoua | 2018 | Hydrogeological Investigation and Modeling on Local-Scale Arsenic-Affected Area in Bangladesh |
Ahmed Gharaibeh | 2017 | Environmental Impact Assessment on Oil Shale Extraction in Central Jordan |
Raghid Sabri | 2016 | Geochemical and isotope investigations of carbonate sinter - 2000 years of water supply management in Palestine |
Aras O. Kareem | 2016 | Hydrogeological and Environmental Assessment of Tanjero Area, Kurdistan Region, Iraq |
Rudy Abo | 2016 | Hydrogeological investigation and modeling of the central and southwestern parts of Aleppo basin, Syria |
Shwan Omar Ismael | 2015 | Hydrogeological and Hydrochemical Investigations of the Ahaqlawa-Harrir Basin in Kurdistand, Iraq |
Hussein Abed Jassas | 2015 | Integrated water resources managment in Al-Khazir Gomel Basin, Northern Iraq |
Mustafa Al-Mukthar | 2015 | Modeling Hydrogeological and Suspended Sediment Transport in the Upper Reach of the Spree River Germany |
Omed Mohammed Mustafa | 2015 | Karst Hydrogeology and Hydrogeochemistry of Makook Karst System, Kurdistan Region, Iraq |
Mohammed Omer Khattab | 2015 | Hydrogeology and hydrochemistry of Mosul Dam Lake, Iraq |
Stephanie Hurst | 2014 | Radium- und Radon-Isotopen-Untersuchungen als Hilfsmittel für die Aquiferdiagnose unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der geochemischen und hydrochemischen Verhältnisse im Grundwasserleiter |
Robert Sieland | 2014 | Hydraulic Investigations of the Salar de Uyuni, Bolivia |
Ramadan Abdelaziz | 2014 | Modeling of groundwater flow heterogeneity in fractured aquifers |
Wondemagegnehu Gezahegne | 2013 | TRLFS and EXAFS investigations and characterisations of the interaction of uranium(VI) with arsenate in aqueous solutions |
Zheenbek Kulenbekov | 2013 | Enironmental impact assessment study of Kadji-Sau uranium tailing and Issyk-Kul lake, Kyrgyzstan |
Sosina Shimelese Heile | 2013 | VS2DRT - Variably saturated two dimensional reactive transport modeling in the vadose zone |
Sreejesh Nair | 2012 | Interaction of Uranium-, Magnesium-, Calcium-, Strontium-, and Arsenic Species in Natural Water and its Impact on Mobility of Uranium |
Lotfollah Karimzadeh | 2012 | Effect of Microbial Siderophore DFO-B on Metal Mobility and Bioavailability |
Sameh Wisam | 2012 | Ground water investigation and modeling in the western area of Iraq |
Shirin Samani | 2012 | Coherent gas flow patterns in heterogeneous permeability fields; from bench-scale to field-scale. (co-supervising with Helmut Geistlinger, UFZ) |
Franziska Steinbruch | 2011 | Remote sensing techniques to investigate and monitor hydrodynamics of the lake Urema wetland system, Mozambique |
Mandy Schipek | 2011 | Treatment of acid mine lakes - Lab and field studies |
Thorsten Lange | 2011 | Tracing Flow and Salinization Processes at selected Locations of Israel and the West Bank - the Judea Group Aquifer and the Shallow Aquifer of Jericho.(co-supervising with martin Sauter, University Göttigne and Stephan Weise, UFZ) |
Eyad Abushandi | 2011 | Rainfall-Runoff Modeling in Arid Areas |
Taleb S. A Odeh | 2011 | Structural control on groundwater chemistry, recharge and flow – Integrated approach using remote sensing, GIS and modelling: The case study of Wadi Zerka Ma’in catchment area, Jordan. (co-supervising with Mario Schirmer, UFZ and Richard Gloaguen) |
Samer Bachmaf | 2010 | Uranium Sorption on Clay Minerals: Laboratory Experiments and Surface Complexation Modeling |
Clement Mbudi | 2009 | Understanding Sorption Mechanisms of Uranium onto elemental Iron, Minerals and Shewanella putrefaciens Surfaces in the Presence of Arsenic |
Sebastian Kolitsch | 2008 | Hydrogeologische Analyse und großräumige Modellierung des weiteren Vorerzgebirgssenkenraumes |
Götz Leeder | 2008 | Das Verhalten von BTX-Aromaten in der ungesättigten Bodenzone |
No claim to completeness. We look forward to feedback.