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Andreas Nascimento vor dem Gebäude des Institutes für Bohrtechnik und Fluidbergbau

In November 2024, Prof. Dr. Andreas Nascimento's 18-month research stay at the Institute for Drilling Technology and Fluid Mining at TUBAF began. The stay is financed by Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung (AvH) in cooperation with the Brazilian Ministry of Education - Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (MEC/CAPES), and runs through the Senior Visiting Professorship - Experienced Researcher Fellowship Program.

Prof. Nascimento is already known to many at our University and Institute. As part of his visits and technical-scientific activities jointly developed in the past years, he together with Prof. Reich initiated a technical-scientific cooperation agreement between TUBAF and his home university UNIFEI (Federal University of Itajuba, Brazil), signed by the Rectors of both universities and in force since May 2023.

In October 2023, Prof. Reich and his colleague Dr. Röntzsch, together with a group of students from the geoengineering program, visited UNIFEI in Brazil, as part of a two-week foreign excursion. During the visits insights were gained into tunnel construction, drilling string manufacturing, deep-sea drilling equipment development and similar topics; in particular, ideas and knowledge were exchanged also with SPE student groups from both universities, as well as discussions on internationalization and energy-related topics carried out with students, lecturers and professors.

Prof. Nascimento is also using his research stay in Freiberg to work intensively on his habilitation in the field of geoenergy systems and deep drilling technologies. He is involved in the drilling-technical evaluation of underground energy systems and in finding ways to improve and increase the efficiency of the drilling process for the development of natural resources in the subsurface. In particular, this involves drilling automation and optimization.

During his research stay, Prof. Nascimento will work in particular on the world's only flow test facility for data transmission in drill strings in deep drilling technology and will look for ways to transfer the knowledge gained into drilling practice in the field as part of an effective transfer of knowledge and technology. The test facility was designed, built and put into operation by doctoral candidates from the Institute for Drilling Technology and Fluid Mining. In addition to the completion of three dissertations, several patents have already been granted through the facility focusing on increasing the data rate.

We are very pleased with the award of the Alexander von Humboldt fellowship and wish Prof. Nascimento and his young family a successful, happy and exciting stay here in Freiberg.