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Junior Professorship for Flow and Transport Modelling in the Geosphere - Soil Physics and Ecohydrology

A constant turnover of energy, mass and substances takes place at the interface between the atmosphere and the geosphere. This "critical zone" is the area where rainwater infiltrates into the soil or runs off on the surface, where it is decided how much water is available for plants or with what substance loads it is transferred to the groundwater. This is where organic and inorganic substances are transformed, fixed or released. Ecosystems and human activity utilise and change these and other processes of water and material cycles on various scales.

In view of the major global changes and challenges in the Anthropocene, our working group is investigating the interplay between water, energy and material flows and the development of landscape systems. We have specialist expertise in soil science and soil physics, ecohydrology and landscape analysis. Technically, we cover the entire range from in-situ surveys, measurements and experiments to laboratory analysis, spatio-temporal data analysis and numerical modelling. This allows us to combine basic research and theory development with practical applications and problem solutions for the processes of the "critical zone".

The core topics of our working group are the dynamics and effects of structures in the soil, how these change due to interventions, land use and climate developments, as well as how and when these can dominate the system behaviour. Following on from this, the main focus is on infiltration, runoff formation and erosion as well as hydrological connectivity, water availability and the evaluation of environmental system properties of landscapes exposed high utilisation pressure.

In teaching in the field of geoecology, we cover pedology (soil science and soil physics) and terrestrial ecohydrology (process hydrology from the pore scale to the catchment area).


Chair holder

  • Jun.Prof. Dr Conrad Jackisch


  • Dr Anne Routschek
  • M. Sc. Sean Adam
  • Dr Annelie Ehrhardt
  • Bernt Hahnewald

Precise measurements in the laboratory and field

Our research group offers a wide range of analytical services in the fields of soil physics, soil water dynamics, solute transport, erosion and landscape development.

We look forward to receiving your enquiry for cooperation or support in the search for solutions to the challenges of the Anthropocene.

Field surveys and experiments

  • Soil science and soil physics surveys and sampling
  • Soil irrigation experiments to identify key control variables/elements of infiltration and soil erosion
  • Ecohydrological and hydropedological monitoring of system state dynamics (e.g. soil water, matrix potential, water balances, soil respiration)

Laboratory analyses and experiments

  • Grain sizes/texture, storage density and carbon content (based on sieving, Köhn apparatus, Pario+, helium pycnometer, SoliTOC Cube, multi EA 2000)
  • Complete analysis of soil water retention and hydraulic characteristics with undisturbed stab cylinder samples (saturated and partially saturated hydraulic conductivity, retention curves based on KSAT, HYPROP2, WP4C, pressure pots, sandbox)
  • Experimental extension of the analytical instruments for specific research questions
  • Concentration of stable isotopes of water (∂2H/∂18O in liquid and gaseous samples based on Picarro L2130-i)
  • Microerosion experiments (wind and water)
  • Laboratory lysimeters
  • Soil Respiration analyses (PriEco)

Landscape and data analyses

  • Field surveys and GIS-based landscape analysis
  • Collection and management of monitoring data, and analysis of the characteristics of state dynamics
  • Data management and harmonisation

Field measurement technology

  • Field measurement stations for soil moisture and matrix potential as well as meteorological boundary conditions incl. automatic data recording
    Problem-adapted sensor technology and data acquisition in the field to derive and analyse the condition dynamics
  • Irrigation systems for infiltration and/or soil erosion measurement
  • Tension infiltrometers 
    Pressure-dependent infiltration capacity near saturation (Hood Infiltrometer, Tension Disc Infiltrometers)
  • Discharge measurements and water level monitoring 
    Mobile measuring weirs, Water level logger, Nivus FlowStic ADC for flow profile measurements in flowing waters up to 1,2 m depth
  • Near-surface (time-lapse) geoelectrics 
    Åbem Terrameter with 64 polarising and non-polarising electrodes
  • Soil sampling with profile response
    Manual soil sampling equipment and pile-driving core probe for problem-adapted sampling and probing

Laboratory equipment

    Water retention curve and partially saturated hydraulic conductivity +20 hPa to -1,200/-2,400 hPa
  • WP4C (METER)
    Water retention function -1.000 hPa to -3,000,000 hPa
    Saturated hydraulic conductivity
  • SoliTOC Cube (Elementar)
    Carbon determination in soils and organ. Carbon determination in soils and organic horizons according to DIN 19539 or EN 15936/ISO 10694
  • multi EA 2000 (Analytik Jena)
    TIC, TOC, S determination in solids
  • Alpha II FT-mIR spectrometer (Bruker)
    Total diffuse reflectance midIR FT spectroscopy for soil samples
  • Respiration Analyser (PriEco)
  • Pario+ (METER)
    Grain size distribution, Soil type determination
  • KÖHN apparatus
    Grain size, soil type determination
  • Pressure pots u. Sandbox (pF 0 to 4.7)
    Pore size distribution, hygroscopicity according to Mitscherlich
  • Helium pycnometer
    Solids density determination
  • Dry sand sieving, wet sieving, sample divider Retzsch
    Determination of material properties
  • Sample preparation with sieves, mills and drying ovens
  • Column system (negative pressure column system, linkable column system)
    Substance exchange, leachate prediction
  • Capillary sprinklers, micro-irrigation systems and lysimeters
    Infiltration, water balance and soil erosion measurements

Current publications

Hydro-pedotransfer functions: A roadmap for future developmentHydrology and Earth System Sciences Discussions DOI: 10.5194/egusphere-2023-1860


(in review)

Weber T.K.D. et al.Paper
Soil water retention and hydraulic conductivity measured in a wide saturation rangeEarth System Science Data DOI: 10.5194/essd-2023-742023Hohenbrink T.L., Jackisch C., Durner w., Germer K., Iden S.C., Kreiselmeier J., Leuther F., Metzger J.C., Naseri M. and Peters A.Paper
Encyclopedia of Soils in the Environment - Darcy's lawReference Module in Earth Systems and Environmental Sciences DOI: 10.1016/b978-0-12-822974-3.00150-62022Jackisch C. and Kroener E.Chapt.
Preface: Linking landscape organisation and hydrological functioning: From hypotheses and observations to concepts, models and understandingHydrology and Earth System Sciences DOI: 10.5194/hess-25-5277-20212021Jackisch C., Hassler S.K., Hohenbrink T.L., Blume Th., Laudon H., McMillan H., Saco P. and van Schaik L.Paper
Estimates of tree root water uptake from soil moisture profile dynamicsBiogeosciences DOI: 10.5194/bg-17-5787-20202020Jackisch, C., Knoblauch, S., Blume, T., Zehe, E. and Hassler, S.K.Paper
Soil moisture and matric potential - an open field comparison of sensor systemsEarth System Science Data DOI: 10.5194/essd-12-683-20202020Jackisch, C., Germer K., Graeff, T., et al. and Durner, W.Paper
Energy states of soil water - a thermodynamic perspective on storage dynamics and the underlying controlsHydrology and Earth System Sciences DOI: 10.5194/hess-2018-3462019Zehe, E., Loritz, R., Jackisch, C., Westhoff, M., Kleidon, A., Blume, T., Hassler, S. and Savenije, H.Paper
How meaningful are plot scale observations and simulations of preferential flow for catchment models?Vadose Zone Journal DOI: 10.2136/vzj2018.08.01462019Glaser B., Jackisch C., Hopp L. and Klaus J.Paper
On the dynamic nature of hydrological similarityHydrology and Earth System Sciences DOI: 10.5194/hess-22-3663-20182018Loritz R., Gupta H., Jackisch C., Westhoff M., Kleidon A., Ehret U. and Zehe E.Paper
Ecohydrological particle model based on representative domainsHydrology and Earth System Sciences DOI: 10.5194/hess-22-3639-20182018Jackisch C. and Zehe E.Paper


Conference Papers

How Darcy-scale daemons lead theory developments for soil-water dynamics astrayEGU 2023, 10.5194/egusphere-egu23-129152023Jackisch C. and Hohenbrink T.L.Poster
DOC mobilisation from forest soils governed by intermittent hydrological connectivity of subsurface water poolsEGU 2023, 10.5194/egusphere-egu23-127662023Adam S., Lau M. and Jackisch C.Poster
Proposals How to Unify Structural Heterogeneity and Conceptual Scaling in Hydrologic ModellingWS Improving the Theoretical Underpinnings of Hydrologic Models2022Jackisch C.invitedKey-note
Developing an operational forecast system as byproduct of scientific research - an example for inland floods at the German North Sea coast

EGU 2022,


2022Lenz J, Jackisch C (presenting), Burkhard K, Schibalski A, and Schröder BPoster
Initial non-uniform soil water redistribution as inherent hydrological process - from field experiments to model insights

EGU 2022,


2022Jackisch C and Allroggen NTalk
Providing relevant uncertainty information to decision makers: Subjective post-processing of rigorous Bayesian uncertainty assessment of model projectionsAGU20202020Jackisch C., Schibalski A., Schröder B., Nowak W. and Guthke A.virtual Display
How to inform decision making under uncertainty? Quantifying and evaluating different sources of uncertainty in environmental modellingEGU20202020Jackisch C., Schibalski A. and Schröder B.virtual Display