We congratulate this year's prizewinners on receiving the Julius Weisbach Prize! Junior Professor Conrad Jackisch and Dr Mykhaylo Motylenko receive the Julius Weisbach Prize at the academic ceremony.

Congratulations from Faculty 3!
Faculty 3 would like to congratulate Junior Professor Conrad Jackisch on being awarded the Julius Weisbach Prize for good teaching! As holder of the Junior Professorship for Flow and Transport Modelling in the Geosphere - Soil Physics and Ecohydrology, he was nominated by the students for his special achievements in terms of teaching. TUBAF and the Verein der Freunde und Förderer der TU Bergakademie Freiberg e. V. (VFF) presented him with the endowment prize at a ceremony on 4 November 2023. The prize, which is named after the mathematician and engineer Julius Weisbach, who taught at the Freiberg Mining Academy, is awarded annually by TUBAF for outstanding achievements in teaching.