The catalogue contains basic works and textbooks for beginners and advanced students that the University Library has purchased new or received as gifts in 2023. These also include a large number of e-books that were acquired at a favourable price via so-called book packages.

TU Bergakademie Freiberg | Universitätsbibliothek
Happily, several geoscience textbooks by TUBAF scientists have also been published in the past year:
- Benndorf, J.: Angewandte Geodatenanalyse und -Modellierung: Eine Einführung in die Geostatistik für Geowissenschaftler und Geoingenieure
- Elicki, O.: Die Entwicklung des Systems Erde, (2nd ed.)
- Götze, J.: Introduction to Applied Mineralogy
- Gutzmer, J. (et al.): Isotopes in Economic Geology, Metallogenesis and Exploration
- Wichert, J.: Shale as a building stone: formation, properties, occurrence, mining
For questions and feedback, please contact our Andreas [dot] Stumm [at] ub [dot] tu-freiberg [dot] de (Geosciences Department).