Master Chemical Engineering; Application and Admission procedure
The application and admission procedure for the master program Chemical Engineering is visualized in the flow chart in Figure 1. At first glance it looks complex, but in fact you will have to spring into action only three times before your application can be admitted. These three actions are highlighted in yellow in the flow chart. All the rest, which is shown in grey in the flow chart, will be handled by the university administration.

Step by step through the admission process
Before you apply you have to check whether or not you fulfil the formal requirements listed below. If you do not meet all of those requirements, please refrain from applying this time. Try to catch up and apply once you meet all the requirements, eventually already for the next winter term.
- You must have completed a first professionally qualifying university degree in chemical engineering, process engineering, technical chemistry or an equivalent course of study that lasted at least six semesters.
- You must provide proof of English language proficiency by means of a recognized language test such as the Test of English as a foreign Language (TOEFL) with at least 90 points (internet-based test) or the International English Language Test System (IELTS) with a score of at least 6.5 or an equivalent test with a corresponding score (except for applicants whose first language is English).
- You must be able to demonstrate chemical-engineering-relevant competence in the following nine disciplines: mathematics / chemistry / physics / computer science & programming / thermodynamics / fluid mechanics / heat and mass transfer / chemical reaction engineering / thermal separation technology
Once you are sure that you fulfil all the requirements, you can start the application and admission procedure.
Follow the "Apply now" button down below in order to apply for the master program in Chemical Engineering. The “Apply Now” button will navigate you to the “University portal TU Bergakademie Freiberg”, where you can start the online application process. During this online application process, you will have to provide some information about you, your university education, your competences, your language skills and other information in text fields or by upload of the respective documents. You can save your online application any time, make a break and continue after the break with the completion of the online application. At one specific point in the online application, you will be asked for your “OPAL username”. In order to get an “OPAL username”, you first have to register on the OPAL-platform (Online education platform of the state Saxony in Germany). How you can register and how you will get the OPAL username is described step by step in the pdf-document (You can register for the OPAL username already before you start the online application). The OPAL username is required to take the online test in the next step. Make sure that you use the same email address for OPAL registration and for registration for the “University portal TU Bergakademie Freiberg”.
If your online application is complete and meets the requirements, you will be invited for the online test via a message in the “University portal TU Bergakademie Freiberg” and via email. The message in the “University portal TU Bergakademie Freiberg” will provide a link to the OPAL course that hosts the online test. Within this OPAL course you will find all information with regards to the enrolment into this course and with regards to the online test. You can start the online test any time, you can take it only once, you cannot pause the online test, you must complete it within a given time and you have to complete it latest April 20th (local time, Berlin). Due to the very strict rules, it is highly recommended to carefully read all the information, hints and rules before you really start the online test. Of course, there might be a huge temptation to cheat during the online test, maybe via the consultation of a professional chemical engineer or a well-educated friend. The professors of this program still ask you to take the online test without the support of others. Be aware that the online test will be followed by an online interview with identity control. If one has cheated during the online test, it will be recognized by the professors during the online interview. As a consequence, your application will be refused not after the online test, but after the online interview. This is why cheating is just a waste of your time and the professors’ time. If you pass the online test, you will proceed to the next step. As a general rule, minimum 60% of the preservable points have to be reached for pass.
Once you have passed the online test and the check of your application documents for correctness, you will be invited for the online interview via a message in the “University portal TU Bergakademie Freiberg” and via email. The message in the “University portal TU Bergakademie Freiberg” will provide a link to the OPAL course that hosts the online interview. Within this OPAL course you will find all information with regards to the enrolment into this course and with regards to the online interview. Within this course you will also be able to arrange a time and date for your online interview with one of the professors. The purpose of the online interview is to review, whether or not the performance you demonstrated during the online test can be assigned to solely you and to get an impression about your English language skills. Once you have passed the online interview, you will receive the notification of your admission to the master program. Then the professors are very much looking forward to welcoming you at TUBAF for the coming winter term or the next winter term, if a start in the coming winter term is denied because of visa issues.
Applicants will have to provide their OPAL username during the application process on the "University portal TU Bergakademie Freiberg”