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Applications by exchange students

The MBA programme is also accessible to exchange students at the master level. We welcome exchange students who have a particular interest in international business and management in developing or emerging markets. We are happy to cooperate with your home university with a view on the accreditation of the courses you do with us for your home university study programme.

  • To apply for exchange status, send a simple Email to the programme director Johannes [dot] Stephan [at] vwl [dot] tu-freiberg [dot] de (Professor Dr Johannes Stephan)

Note that proof of English language proficiency (TOEFL or IELTS or equivalent English language test) is required from exchange students who did not complete their previous education in an English taught programme. Also, proof of analytical proficiency is required, which may be a GMAT or GRE test, or an equivalent access test to the home country's Master programme.