Bachelorverteidigung - Peter Dietze (BGök)
Donnerstag, 13.02.2025 I 10:00 Uhr I Seminarraum LES-E112, Lessingstr. 45, EG
Analyse des Kleingewässerangebots und der Amphibienvorkommen im Hospital- und Nonnenwald.
Analysis of the supply of small water bodies and amphibian occurrences in the Hospital and Nonnenwald forest.
Betreuer: Dr. Achtziger

On this site you find
- an overview of our courses,
- current and completed theses,
- links to OPAL courses,
- downloads with important information about teaching and studies.
Courses and qualification theses
Summer semester
- Bachelor's module "Field Ecology"
- Bachelor's module "Applied Ecology Project"
- Master's module "Landscape Ecology / Biodiversity / Nature Conservation"
- Master's module "Biotope and Landscape Management"
- Master's module "Ecophysiology / Ecosystem Analysis / Management"
Winter semester
- Master's module "Principles of Biology and Ecology"
Winter semester
- Bachelor's module "Introduction to the principles of biology and ecology"
- Bachelor's module "Fundamentals of nature conservation"
- . Nature Conservation"
- Bachelor's module "Applied Ecology Project"
- Master's module "Ecosystems"
- Master's module "Landscape Ecology / Biodiversity / Nature Conservation"
- Master's module "Biotope and Landscape Management"
- . and Landscape Management"
- Master's Module "Ecophysiology / Ecosystem Analysis / Management"
- Master's Module "Stress Physiology and Rhizosphere Chemistry"
Bachelor theses
- Leon Kirschner (Bachelor thesis Gök): Site characterisation of the ecological vineyard Burgberg Meißen based on selected microclimatic parameters. / Site characterisation of the ecological vineyard Burgberg Meißen on basis of selected microclimatic parameters. (17.11.2023-09.02.2024, Supervisor: Dr. Achtziger)
- Hannah Salzwedel (Bachelor thesis Gök): Vegetations type mapping and analysis of plant species composition in the "Ökologischer Weinberg am Burgberg Meißen". / Vegetations type mapping and analysis of plant species composition in the "Ökologischer Weinberg am Burgberg Meißen". (22.01.2024-15.04.2024, Supervisor: Dr Richert)
- Melvice Ngalle Epede, M.Sc. (PhD): Assessing Plants Capacity to take up Metal(oid)s. (2018-2023)
- Nazia Zaffar, M.Sc. (PhD): Energy balance and cost effective analysis of perennial energy crop though anaerobic digestion process. (04/2018-03/2021)
Scholarship from the funds of the Free State of Saxony
- Jonas Baum, M.Sc. (Master thesis Ch): Influence of phosphorus and non-essential element availability during early developmental stages on growth and element accumulation in plants. / Impact of phosphorus nutrition and non-essential element exposure during early growth stages on growth and element accumulation in plants. (29.09.2023, second supervisor: Dr Oliver Wiche)
- Erik Franke, B.Sc. (Bachelor thesis Gök): An analysis of morphological plant characteristics using the example of the plant Echium vulgare. / Analysis of Morphological Plant Traits Based on the Example of Echium vulgare. (23.02.2023, second supervisor: Dr Achtziger)
- Lena Hänsel, B.Sc. (Bachelor thesis Gök): Direct seeding and planting of sessile oak (Quercus petraea) and European beech (Fagus sylvatica) in southern Brandenburg - An analysis of plant morphological traits against the background of changing environmental conditions./ Direct seeding and planting of sessile oaks (Quercus petraea) and European beeches (Fagus sylvatica) in southern Brandenburg - An analysis of plant morphological characteristics with regards to changing environmental conditions. (06.07.2023, Supervisor: Dr Harbusch/Dr Köhler, Research Institute for Post-Mining Landscapes e.V.)
- Luise Janovsky, B.Sc. (Bachelor thesis Gök): Vegetational analysis of the revitalisation of the raised bog Stengelhaide in blocked drainage ditches. / Vegetational analysis in dammed drains regarding the restoration of the raised bog Stengelhaide. (21.11.2023, Supervisor: Anke Haupt, Erzgebirge Vogtland Nature Park)
- Julian Kadner, M.Sc. (Master's thesis Gök): Influence of the availability of phosphorus and non-essential elements during early developmental stages on growth and element accumulation in plants. / Impact of phosphorus nutrition and non-essential element exposure during early growth stages on growth and element accumulation in plants.(29.09.2023, second supervisor: Dr Oliver Wiche)
- Melvin Cyrill Kreißig, B.Sc. (Master thesis Gök): Analyse der Vegetation auf kalamitätsbedingten Kahlflächen im mittleren Erzgebirge unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Baumartenverjüngung. / Analysis of Vegetation on Calamity-Induced Clear-Cut Areas in the Central Ore Mountains with Special Regard to Tree Species Rejuvenation. (11.12.2023, second supervisor Dr Richert)
- Nthati Lillian Monei, Dr rer. nat. (PhD): Phytomining of Rare Earth Elements: Dynamics of Rhizosphere Processes and Element Interactions in the Soil. (13.12.2023, University Tallinn, Estonia)
- Artur Säuberlich and Tobias Stefan, M.Sc. (Master thesis Gök): Aquatic Ecological Assessment of Mill Ditches of Active Hydropower Plants in the Ore Mountains - Adaptation of the Methodology for Water Body Assessment according to WFD. / Aquatic Ecological Assessment of Mill Ditches of Active Hydropower Plants in the Ore Mountains - Adaptation of the Methodology for Water Body Assessment according to WFD. (06.06.2023, second supervisor: Dr Annett Arndt, Umweltbüro Dr Annett Weiß)
- Juliane Schaefer, M.Sc. (Master thesis Gök): Vogelverluste an Windenergieanlagen: Auswertung der zentralen Funddatei für Deutschland zur Phänologie der Verluste / Bird casualties at wind turbines: Evaluation of the central German database on the phenology of the losses. (13.12.2023, Supervisor: Dr Torsten Langgemach, Staatl. Vogelschutzwarte, LFU Brandenburg)
- Dominik Schumann, B.Sc. (Bachelor thesis Gök): Wertelementakkumulation verschiedener Pflanzenarten in Abhängigkeit ihrer Substrate und Anbauform im Hinblick auf Phytomining / Accumulation of valuable elements in different plant species depending on their substrate and cultivation form in the context of Phytomining. (28.06.2023, second supervisor: Dr Oliver Wiche)
- Johanna Abraham, B.Sc. (Bachelor thesis Gök): Predicting the current and past potential distribution of two widespread freshwater turtles from southern Africa. (25.08.2022, Supervisor: Dr Ihlow, Senckenberg Natural History Collection Dresden, Museum of Zoology, Phylogeography)
- Laura Gall, B.Sc. (Bachelor thesis Gök): Habitat requirements of bird species of raw soil and open land sites in the nature paradise Grünhaus. / Habitatrequirements of Bird Species in Raw Soil and Open Land Locations in the Post-Mining Landscape "Naturparadies Grünhaus". (19.10.2022, Supervisor: Dr Beate Zimmermann, Forschungsinstitut Bergbaufolgelandschaften)
- Tina Opitz, M.Sc. (Master thesis Gök): Analyse der Struktur und der Vogelfauna ausgewählter Streuobstbestände in Mittelsachsen / Analysis of the Structure and Bird Species of Selected Fruit Orchards in Central Saxony. (24.06.2022, Supervisor: Dr Achtziger)
- Vera Benyr, M.Sc. (Master thesis Gök): Einfluss der Siliziumanreicherung auf die Aufnahme von essentiellen und nicht-essentiellen Elementen in Pflanzenarten mit unterschiedlichen Ernährungsstrategien / Relationship between silicon accumulation and uptake of essential and non-essential elements in plants with different nutrition strategies. (07.10.2021, Supervisor: Dr Wiche)
- Christine Dittrich, M.Sc. (Master thesis Gök): Beziehung zwischen der Phosphoreffizienz, Carboxylat-Exsudation und der Aufnahme von nicht essentiellen Elementen in Pflanzen. / Relationship between phosphorus acquisition efficiency, carboxylate exudation and the uptake of non-essential elements in plants. (17.12.2021, Supervisor: Dr Wiche)
- Camilla Eigner, M.Sc. (Master thesis Gök): Untersuchung zur Erfassung und zum Vorkommen von Myrmica-Arten in Lebensräumen und potenziellen Habitaten der Ameisenbläulinge Phengaris nausithous und Phengaris teleius in Mittelsachsen. / Studies on sampling and the occurrence of Myrmica species in habitats and petential habitat sites of Phengaris nausithous and Phengaris teleius in central Saxony. (23.09.2021, Supervisor: Dr Achtziger)
- Lukas Häuser, M.Sc. (Master thesis Gök): Biotoptypenausstattung und landschaftsökologische Analyse der Altbergbauhalden in der Freiberger Bergbaufolgelandschaft / Habitat Types and Landscape Ecological Analyses of Historical Mining Dumps in the Post-Mining Landscape of Freiberg.(16.06.2021, Supervisors: Dr Achtziger, Dr Richert)
- Nathalie Höhmann, B.Sc. (Bachelor thesis Gök): Untersuchung der Wasserwanzen und ausgewählter Gewässerparameter in Klein- und Kleinstgewässern des Freiberger Stadtwalds / Investigation of the water bugs and selected water parameters of small waterbodies in the municipal forest of Freiberg. (09.02.2021, Supervisor: Dr Achtziger)
- Ina Kostelacova, M.Sc. (Master thesis Gök): Ökobilanzierung von Holz in Fahrzeugstrukturen / Life cycle assessment of wood in vehicle structures. (17.09.2021, Supervisor: D. Heyner & S. Ehrenberger, German Aerospace Centre e.V.)
- Tina Leucht, M.Sc. (Master thesis Gök): Analyse der Entwicklung von Weinbergsbrachen im Dresdner Elbtal anhand der Vegetationszusammensetzung und ausgewählter Pflanzenmerkmale / Analysis of the development of abandoned vineyards in the Elbe valley near Dresden on the basis of vegetation composition and selected plant traits. (12.07.2021, supervisors: Dr Achtziger, Dr Richert)
- Lotte Mann, M.Sc. (Master thesis SINReM): Die Auswirkungen von P-lösender und Wurzelwachstum stimulierender Bakterien (PGPR) auf die Mobilität von Ziellementen der Phytoremediation und des Phytominings im Boden und deren Akkumulation in Zea mays und Fagopyrum esculentum. / Effects of P-solubilising and root growth stimulating PGPR on the mobility of target elements in phytoremediation and phytomining research in soil and accumulation in Zea mays and Fagopyrum esculentum. (02.02.2021, Supervisor: Dr Wiche)
- Charlotte Schleier, M.Sc. (Master thesis Nat): Die Funktion des MYB-Transkriptionsfaktors in der abiotischen Stresstoleranz in Physcomitrium (PHyscomitrella) patens. / The Role of MYB Trascription Factor in Abiotic Stress Tolerance in Physcomitrium (PHyscomitrella) patens. (25.10.2021, Supervisors: Prof. Dr Frank and Dr Top, Biocenter of the LMU Munich)
- Rebekka Wiedener, B.Sc. (Bachelor thesis Gök): Vegetationsentwicklung auf Flächen zur Etablierung von Magerstandorten auf einer Hochspannungstrasse im Freiberger Stadtwald / Vegetation development on areas arranged for the establishment of nutrient-poor sites on a high-voltage transmission line in the Freiberger Stadtwald. (09.02.2021, Supervisor: Dr Richert)
- Melanie Zerbs, M.Sc. (Master thesis Gök): Analyse der Gehölzentwicklung von Kippenforsten im Südraum Leipzig / Analysis of the Vegetation Development of Dump Forests in the South of Leipzig. (12.07.2021, supervisor: Dr Richert)
Download area
Courses in the winter semester 2023/2024
Courses Bachelor Environmental Systems Science - Geoecology
Courses Master of Geoecology
Instructions for the preparation of scientific papers and reports
List of shortcomings in scientific papers and reports
Instruction sheet for the preparation of Bachelor's and Master's theses
Literaturliste Naturräume, Geologie, Böden, Klima, PNV im Freiberger Raum
Liste der studentischen Arbeiten und Dissertationen in der AG Biologie / Ökologie