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Focus in research

  • Biocrusts (=pioneer communities) for the renaturation of post-mining landscapes
  • Ecophysiology of plants and microalgae
  • Biodiversity and climate change in local landscapes
  • Nature conservation biology and bioindicators
  • Phytomining and phytoremediation

Flyer mit Informationen zu Forschung und Lehre der AG Biologie / Ökologie

Research projects

  • Algivore Cercozoa shape the composition of the community of soil crusts, the dominant vegetation in polar regions. DFG project in the priority programme SPP 1158 Antarctic Research
  • Biocrusts in post-mining landscapes: Characterisation and their renaturation potential
  • BIODIVina - Research and knowledge transfer on biodiversity in vineyards and use of ecosystem services for adaptation of viticulture to climate change. Based on the completed DAS project "Educational modules on the role of biodiversity in the adaptation of viticulture to climate change" (funded as part of the German Adaptation Strategy (DAS) by the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU) by resolution of the German Bundestag)
  • Research vineyard Burgberg Meißen: Ecological studies on biodiversity (vegetation types, plants, animals) as well as important biotope elements and site factors in the Ecological vineyard Burgberg Meißen. Cooperation with the Sächsische Landesstiftung Natur und Umwelt (LANU)
  • PhaNoMix - Sub-project 2: Bioenergetic use and P-efficiency of Phalaris legume cultivation systems - evaluation and optimisation of cultivation, fermentation, combustion; Fachagentur Nachwachsender Rohstoffe e.V.

Edited journals

Titelseite der Online Zeitschrift FECO
Freiberg Ecology Online
Titelseite der Zeitschrift Flora
Titelseite der Zeitschrift Cicadina