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Editor-in-chief for FLORA

Co-Editor-in-Chief at Freiberg Ecology online (FECO)

Studies and professional career

Since Oct. 2023Scientific employee of the Technical University Bergakademie Freiberg, Institute of Biosciences, Working Group Biology / Ecology
1999-2023Head of the Working Group Biology / Ecology of the IÖZ now Institute of Biosciences (TU Bergakademie Freiberg)
1998-1999Priv.Lect. at the Chair of Plant Ecology (University of Bayreuth), Teaching assignment for the lecture "General Biology" for chemistry students (TU Chemnitz)
1996-1998Representation of the professorship for biology at the Interdisciplinary Ecological Centre (IÖZ) (TU Bergakademie Freiberg)
1995-1997Senior assistant at the Institute of Soil Science and Site Ecology of the Faculty of Forest, Geo and Hydrosciences (TU Bergakademie Freiberg)
1995-1997, Geo- and Hydrosciences (TU Dresden)
1995Completion of the habilitation procedure for the subject Botany (University of Bayreuth): "Gas exchange, growth and water utilisation of Prunus dulcis under arid conditions"
1989-1995Scientific assistant at the Chair of Plant Ecology (University of Bayreuth)
1988PhD at the Chair of Plant Ecology (University of Bayreuth): "Das Wachstum einer biennen Pflanze unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Bedeutung von Stickstoff am Beispiel von Arctium, Compositae"
1982/1983Diplomarbeit (University of Bayreuth): "The relationship between carbohydrate gain and carbohydrate distribution in Arctium tomentosum"
1976-1982Study of Biology (University of Munich and Bayreuth)