
M.Sc. Ludwig Blenau
Pyrometallurgy (working group leader)
Slag utilisation; alternative reducing agents for metallurgical systems (carbon fibres, pyrolysates, hydrogen)
Agricolastr. 24 House 3.1
+49 3731 39-2051
ludwig [dot] blenau [at] inemet [dot] tu-freiberg [dot] de (ludwig[dot]blenau[at]inemet[dot]tu-freiberg[dot]de)
Curriculum vitae
period | station |
since 04/2020 | scientific assistant and PhD student at the Institute of Nonferrous Metallurgy and High-Purity Materials at the TU-Bergakademie Freiberg |
02/2019 - 07/2019 | Diploma in "Outdoor and Environmental Science" at the University of the Sunshine Coast, Australia |
04/2014 - 11/2019 | Scholarship from the German National Academic Foundation |
10/2016 - 11/2019 | Master's degree in "Applied Geosciences" at RWTH Aachen University |
. Aachen | |
10/2013 - 09/2016 | Bachelor "Geosciences" at the University of Potsdam |
09/2012 - 08/2013 | Volunteer service in Tanzania with the German Red Cross District Association Aalen e. V. |
.V. |
- Alternative fibre materials based on Cu slags
- Recycling of carbon fibre-reinforced composites in pyrometallurgical oxide systems
- Ilatovskaia M., Lonski O., Löffler M., Blenau L., Charitos A., Fabrichnaya O. (2023): Phase Relations in the CaO-Nd2O3-Al2O3 System in Application for Rare Earth Recycling. JOM 75, 1993-2002.
- Blenau L., Vogt D., Lonski O., Abrar A., Fabrichnaya O., Charitos A. (2023): Development of a Process to Recycle NdFeB Permanent Magnets Based on the CaO-Al2O3-Nd2O3 Slag System" Processes 11, no. 6: 1783.
- Blenau L., Lonski O., Abrar A., Vogt D., Fabrichnaya O., Stelter M., Charitos A. (2023): Pyrometallurgical Recycling of NdFeB Permanent Magnets through Slag Design; EMC 2023 (Düsseldorf) conference proceedings
- Blenau L., Sander S., Fuhrmann S., Charitos A. (2023): Holistic valorisation of fayalitic slag to pig iron and glass fibres. Journal of Cleaner Production. 418. 137990. 10.1016/j.jclepro.2023.137990.
- Blenau L., Wexler M., Mahl J., Baumann W., Stapf D., Charitos A. (2022): Utilization of Carbon Fibers (CF) as an Alternative Reduction Agent for Slag Valorisation Processes; COM 2022 (Montreal) conference proceedings
- Blenau L., Sander A., Fuhrmann S., Charitos A. (2022): Valorisation of copper slag: Zero-Waste Production of Pig Iron and Glass Fibers; Copper 2022 (Santiago) conderence proceedings
- Blenau L., Charitos A. (2022): Use of carbon fibres (CF) as an alternative reducing agent in slag recycling; ACAMONTA 29
- L. Blenau, M. Stelter, A. Charitos (2021): Carbothermic Reduction of Fayalitic Slag with Graphite - Understanding Reaction Kinetics for Pig Iron Production; Slag Valorisation Symposium 7 conference proceedings
- Blenau L., Lonski O., Abrar A., Vogt D., Fabrichnaya O., Stelter M., Charitos A.: "Pyrometallurgical Recycling of NdFeB Permanent Magnets through Slag Design", EMC 2023 (Düsseldorf)
- Blenau L., Sander A., Fuhrmann S., Charitos A. "Fayalitic slag valorisation for production of pigiron and glass fibers: Using carbon fibers as the reduction agent", DGM 2022
- Blenau L., Fabrichnaya O., Lonski L., Vogt D., Charitos A.: "Chancen pyrometallurgischen Magnetrecycling durch angepasste Schlackensysteme" GDMB 51st Metallurgisches Seminar 2022.
- Blenau L., Wexler M., Mahl J., Baumann W., Stapf D., Charitos A.: "Utilisation of Carbon Fibers (CF) as an Alternative Reduction Agent for Slag Valorisation Processes", COM 2022 (Montreal)
- Sander S., Blenau L., Charitos A., Fuhrmann S.: "Valorization of Copper Slags into Glass Fibers", BHT Freiberg University Forum, June 2022
- Sander S., Blenau L., Charitos A., Fuhrmann S.: "Valorization of Copper Slags into Glass Fibers" ICG 2022 (Berlin)
- Blenau L., Wexler M., Mahl J., Baumann W., Stapf D., Charitos A.: "Utilization of Carbon Fibers (CF) as an Alternative Reduction Agent for Slag Valorisation Processes" GDMB Technical Committee Lead 2022.
- Blenau L., Sander A., Fuhrmann S., Charitos A.: "Valorisation of copper slag: Zero-Waste Production of Pig Iron and Glass Fibers", Copper 2022 (Santiago)
- Blenau L., Stelter M., Charitos A.: "Carbothermic Reduction of Fayalitic Slag with Graphite - Understanding Reaction Kinetics for Pig Iron Production", 7th Slag Valorisation Symposium (SVS 2021), April 2021.
- Blenau, L.: "Alternative carbon use for fayalitic slag valorisation", BHT Freiberger Universitätsforum, June 2021.
- Blenau L.: "Fayalitic Slag Valorisation: Glass Fiber and Pig Iron Production", Kupferfachausschuss des GDMB, September 2021.
- Blenau L., Sander A., Fuhrmann S., Charitos A., "Fayalitic slag valorisation for glass fibre and pig iron production", Fire conference 2021