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RECYCALYSE "New sustainable and recyclable catalytic materials for proton exchange membrane electrolysers" (EU project (Horizon 2020) 861960)


  • Sandig-Predzymirska L., Barreiros T.V., Thiere A., Weigelt A., Stelter M., Charitos A.: "Process for the recovery of ruthenium from a ruthenium-containing material", DE102022111440
  • L. Shevchuk, І. Aftanaziv, О. Strohan, L. Predzymirska, The decision to grant a patent for utility model since 05.09.14. The registration number of the application u 2014 04736 "Vibrating electromagnetic disturbance cavitation device"
  • L. Shevchuk, V. Starchevsky І. Aftanaziv, О. Strohan, L. Predzymirska, The decision to grant a patent for utility model since 10.13.14. The registration number of the application u 06230 2014 "Method of vibro cavitation water treatment from biological pollution"


  • Julia Melke, Annabelle Maletzko, Eduardo Daniel Gomez Villa, Aline Bornet, Gustav K. H. Wiberg, Matthias Arenz, Lesia Sandig-Predzymirska, Alexandra Thiere, Alexandros Charitos, Michael Stelter, Zhangqi Wang, Simon Pitscheider, Erlend Bertheussen, Christoffer M. Pedersen, Sa'ra Finsdo'ttir, Morten S. Kokborg, Daniel G. Berman, Simone Dalvang, Sebastian S. Müller, Fabian Seidel, Nedjeljko Seselj, Martin Höglinger, Stefan Kartusch, Joshua Eder, Marie Macherhammer, Alexander Trattner, and Christian Kallesøe, Recycalyse - New Sustainable and Recyclable Catalytic Materials for Proton Exchange Membrane Electrolysers, Chem. Ing. Tech. 2024, 96, No. 1-2, 1-18,
  • U. Otgonbayar, L. Sandig-Predzymirska, A. Thiere, A. Charitos: Process development for the separation of Pt, Ru, and Ir by solvent extraction, World of Metallurgy - ERZMETALL 76/2023 No. 3, GDMB Verlag GmbH Clausthal-Zellerfeld, 1613-2394, p. 177-183.
  • L. Sandig-Predzymirska, T. V. Barreiros, A. Thiere, A. Weigelt, D. Vogt, M. Stelter, A. Charitos: Recycling strategy for the extraction of PGMs from spent PEM electrodes, Proceedings of EMC 2021, GDMB Verlag GmbH, Clausthal-Zellerfeld,pp. 103-114. ISBN: 978-3-940276-96-4.
  • M. Anders, A. Schwarzer, E. Brendler, R. Pollex, E. Schumann, L. Sandig-Predzymirska, S. Kaiser, F. Mertens, Bis-(triphanylphosphane) aluminum hydride - a simple way to provide, store, and use non-polymerised alane for synthesis (submitting phase).
  • L. Sandig-Predzymirska, J. Ortmeyer, J. Wagler, E. Brendler, F. Habermann, M. Anders, M. Felderhoff, F. Mertens, The direct and reversible hydrogenation of activated aluminium supported by piperidine, Dalton Transactions 2020. DOI: 10.1039/D0DT03175E.
  • J. Ortmeyer, A. Bodach, L. Sandig-Predzymirska, B. Zibrowius, F. Mertens, M. Felderhoff, A mechanochemical approach to synthesise the triethylenediamine⋅AlH3 adduct, ChemPhysChem 2019, 20(10), pp. 1360-1368. DOI: 10.1002/cphc.201801093.
  • L. Shevchuk, І. Aftanaziv, О. Strohan, L. Predzymirska, Investigation of influence of nitrogen on efficiency of vibro cavitation treatment of dairy factory, Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 2014, 3/6 (69), pp. 43-47.
  • O. Kondratovych, I. Koval, V. Kyslenko, L. Shevchuk, L. Predzymirska, N. Maksymiv, Whey disinfection and its properties changed under ultrasonic treatment, Chemistry & Chemical Technology, 2013, 7(2), pp. 185-190.


  • Sandig-Predzymirska L.: "Recycling of PGMs - essential step for sustainable hydrogen-based economy", BHT Freiberg University Forum, June 2021.
  • Sandig-Predzymirska L., Barreiros T. V., Thiere A., Weigelt A., Vogt D., Stelter M., Charitos A.: "Recycling strategy for the extraction of PGMs from spent PEM electrodes", European Metallurgical Conference EMC, June 2021.
  • L. Sandig-Predzymirska, T. V. Barreiros, A. Weigelt, A. Thiere, M. Stelter, A. Charitos: Recovery of PGMs from end-of-life PEM electrolyzers, GDMB Technical Committee Special Metals, 22-23 September 2021, Röthenbach.