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Current projects

  • CRUSADE: Recycling technologies for end-of-life vehicle components to create a sustainable source of marketable materials for the EU (Horizon Europe), 2024-2027
  • GREENSTEEL: Introduction of hydrogen technologies in steel production (EIT Raw Materials), 2024-2026
  • K1-MET II: Technologies for non-ferrous metals (K1-MET, Austria), 2023-2027
  • Mini-ROXY: Mini-ROXY ground test campaign to prepare a lunar ISRU demonstration TP 2: Freiberg University of Technology (BMWK), 2023-2025
  • HARMONY: Holistic approach to improve the recyclability of rare earth permanent magnets extracted from any waste stream (Horizon Europe), 2024-2027)
  • GrInHy 3.0: Green industrial hydrogen by high-temperature vapour electrolysis in a steel mill environment; sub-project: Experimental development of closed-loop processes and life cycle assessment (LCA) of SOEC stacks (BMWK), 2023-2027
  • CarboFuel: Recycling of carbon fibre reinforced composites in pyrometallurgical oxide systems (EEW- Industrieförderung), 2023-2027
  • RecRef: Refractory recycling: a contribution to raw material, energy and climate efficiency in high-temperature processes, (DFG-Graduiertenkolleg 2802), 2023-2031
  • KlimaZinn: Biogenic waste, biogenic fuels and green hydrogen replace fossil fuels in tin metallurgy, (Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt), 2023-2026
  • A holistic digital Mining 4.0 ecosystem, (Horizon-Europe), 2023-2026
  • REESilienz: Resilient and sustainable REE supply chains for critical raw materials for the ecosystems and strategic sectors of e-mobility and renewable energies, (Horizon Europe), 2023-2026
  • GreenTin: Development of a hydrometallurgical process for the extraction of tin from Saxon tin ores, (Dr. Erich-Krüger-Stiftung), 2023-226
  • ReLiFe: Recycling of lithium ferrophosphate in the RIS area, (EIT Raw Materials No. 22020), 2023-2025
  • Marsch: Online material classification using radar of slags, (BMBF-KMU-innovativ), 2023-2024
  • PurCo: Purification of copper (melt filtration), Federal Ministry of Education and Research, (BMBF junior research group), 2022-2026
  • ReLi-ion2022.ReLi-ion: Innovation transfer and B2B collaboration on Li-ion battery recycling, (EIT Raw Materials No. 21113), 2022-2024
  • ALCASIM: Advanced LCA based on process and thermodynamics simulation, (EIT Raw Materials No. 21093), 2022-2024
  • DysCovery: Sustainable REE and co-supply through magnetic recycling: closing the loop, (EIT Raw Materials No. 21028), 2022-2024
  • EEW utilisation of dust (VerSt): Rapid Scale Up to Zero-Waste Process, (sponsored by EEW Energy from Waste GmbH), 2021-2024
  • GaN layer system with separation layer, funding by the SAB via the TUBAF Innovation Fund (TIF)
  • GaN with optimised structural properties, Funding from the Krüger Foundation
  • In addition, several medium to large industrial cooperation projects are in preparation

Completed projects

  • "SFB 920: Multifunctional filters for molten metal filtration - a contribution to Zero Defect Materials, subproject C06: Determination of the mechanism of action and efficiency of reactive filters to avoid unwanted H2 porosity in aluminium casting and to remove particles and H2 from magnesium melts" (DFG project SFB 920/3 2019), duration 2019-2023
  • Alternative fibre materials based on copper slags, Sächsische Aufbau Bank (SAB no. 100397513), 2020-2023
  • RECYCALYSE: New sustainable and recyclable catalytic materials for proton exchange membrane electrolysers, EU project (Horizon 2020 No. 861960), 2020-2023
  • Project P2.1: Non-ferrous metal technologies, (K1-MET - Competence Centre for Excellent Technologies in Advanced Metallurgical and Ecological Process Development), 2019-2023
  • CLIENT II - Joint project ReAK: Reduction of arsenic from copper concentrates - subproject: Sulphides and microbiological leaching, (BMBF 033R205B), 2019-2023
  • "ESF competence extension, subproject 8" SAB/ESF project 100357878, duration: 2019 - 2022
  • "Investigation and further development of high-temperature vapour phase epitaxy for the production of single-crystalline GaN layers" DFG project PA 1236/3-3, duration: 2019-2021
  • "ERA-MIN2 - Joint project: RecEOL - Recycling of end-of-life products - sub-project: Metallurgical refining"
    BMBF project 033RU008A, duration: 2018-2021
  • RecEOL: Recycling of end-of-life products - sub-project: Metallurgical refinement, (ERAMIN-2- BMBF 033RU008A), 2018-2021
  • IMAGINE-II - Implementation of EIT KIC Raw Materials Master Programmes in Sustainable Materials EU project (KIC Raw Materials) PA 17135, Duration: 2018-2020
  • SOCRATES - European Training Network for the sustainable, zero-waste valorisation of (critical) metal containing industrial process residues EU-Project (Horizon 2020) MSCA 721385, Duration: 2016-2020
  • "r4 - economically strategic raw materials: Joint project GERRI - Establishment of a German virtual research institute as "German Resource Research Institute" - sub-project 4" BMBF project 033R125D, duration: 2015-2020
  • "Liquid metal flow investigations for crystal growth under the influence of a travelling magnetic field with a two-plane ultrasonic measurement system"
    DFG project PA 1236/5-1, duration: 2016-2019
  • "SFB 920: Multifunctional filters for molten metal filtration - a contribution to Zero Defect Materials, subproject C06: Determination of the mechanism of action of the efficiency of reactive filters to avoid unwanted H2 porosity in aluminium casting" DFG project SFB 920/2 2015, duration: 2015-2019
  • "r4 - economically strategic raw materials: EcoGaIN - Recovery of gallium from production waste from the semiconductor industry, subproject 6: Ga-As separation using membrane processes" BMBF project 033R169F, duration: 2016-2019
  • "Collaborative project: ZnMobil - Mechanically and electrically rechargeable zinc-air battery for automotive applications - characterisation of the slurry" BMWi project 03ET6090E, duration: 2016-2019
  • "r4 - economically strategic raw materials: Joint project VAFLOW - Use of a vanadium electrolyte based on secondary raw materials in redox flow battery storage systems, sub-project 2: Hydro- and pyrometallurgical processes" BMBF project 033R170B, duration: 2016-2019
  • "Joint project: Crystallisation technologies for O-reduced, performance-optimised and low-resistance silicon materials for PERC applications (KORONA), sub-project: Model experiments on crystallisation processes" BMWi project 0324099C, duration: 2016-2019
  • Securing the success of studies - supporting students through supervised learning groups SAB/ESF project 100298806, duration: 2017-2018
  • "r4 - economically strategic raw materials: AgREE - Ag recycling of electrolysis electrodes - sub-project 3: Electrorefining and characterisation of silver powder" BMBF project 033R144C, duration: 2015-2018
  • "ESF Junior Research Group "Defect Engineering in Wide-Bandgap Semiconductor Materials for Applications in Opto and Power Electronics", Subproject 5" SAB/ESF project 100231954, Duration: 2015-2018
  • IMAGINE - Development and Implementation of EIT KIC Raw Materials Master Programme(s) in Sustainable Materials EU project (KIC Raw Materials) PA 15012, duration: 2016-2017
  • COPPLEX - New Sustainable Process to treat Complex Raw Materials, Revaluating Residues EU project (KIC Raw Materials) PA 15032, duration: 2016-2017
  • "Flüssigmetalltechnologien / Liquid Metal Technologies (LIMTECH)" Project of Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft Deutscher Forschungszentren e.V. HA-315, duration: 2012-2017
  • "Biohydrometallurgical Centre, Subproject 12: Recovery of metallic indium and germanium from the process solutions" Project of Dr. Erich Krüger Stiftung, duration: 2012-2017
  • . Erich Krüger Foundation, duration: 2013-2017
  • "Investigation and further development of high-temperature gas-phase epitaxy for the production of single-crystalline GaN layers" DFG project PA 1236/3-1, duration: 2015-2017
  • " - Strategic Metals, joint project: SMSB Extraction of strategic metals and other minerals from Saxon mine dumps, TP1: Stockpile cadastre, analytics, modelling and coordination" BMBF project 033R095A, duration: 2012-2016
  • "Joint project: Development of highly and cost-efficient PV-Si wafers (ENOWA_II), sub-project: Model experiments for the directed crystallisation of Si blocks" BMWi project 0325805H, duration: 2015-2016
  • "KMU-innovativ - Verbundvorhaben Klimaschutz: Improvement of energy efficiency in aluminium casting through nanostructured oxides and additives - sub-project 1" BMBF project 01LY1108A, duration: 2011-2014
  • "SFB 609: Electromagnetic flow control in metallurgy, crystal growth and electrochemistry, transfer project T01: Growth of multi-crystalline silicon under optimised flow conditions" DFG project SFB 609 - 2011, duration:2011-2014
  • "Leading-edge technology cluster Functional structure design of new high-performance materials through atomic design and defect engineering (ADDE), sub-project: Defect and stress correlation of GaN layers on nanostructured substrates (phase 2)" SAB project 100104095 (Saxon State Excellence Initiative), duration: 2012-2014
  • "Leading-edge technology cluster Functional structure design of new high-performance materials through atomic design and defect engineering (ADDE), sub-project: Structure-property correlation in multi¬crystalline solar¬grade silicon and defect engineering during growth using starting silicon of varying purity (TP 2 - Phase 2)" SAB project 100114950 (Saxon State Excellence Initiative), duration: 2012-2014
  • "Collaborative project: Development of highly and cost-efficient PV-Si wafers (ENOWA), sub-project: Model experiments and mould coating for the directional crystallisation of Si blocks" BMWi project 0325646B, duration: 2013-2014
  • "Wachstumskern Potenzial - Verbundprojekt: Hybride Lithiumgewinnung, TP 1" BMBF project 03WKP18A, duration: 2011-2013
  • "SFB 609: Electromagnetic flow control in metallurgy, crystal growing and electrochemistry, sub-project B7: VGF single crystal growth under the influence of external magnetic fields" DFG project SFB 609/2 - 2006, duration: 2006-2012
  • "Collaborative project: Better resource utilisation and reduction of primary energy consumption in lead metallurgy; subproject: Basic process engineering development" BMBF project 033R012A, duration: 2009-2012
  • "Leading-edge technology cluster Functional structure design of new high-performance materials through atomic design and defect engineering (ADDE), sub-project 2: Structure-property correlation in multicrystalline solar silicon and defect engineering in growth using different purity starting silicon" SAB project 13831/2337 (Saxon State Excellence Initiative), duration: 2009-2012
  • "Spitzentechnologiecluster Funktionales Strukturdesign neuer Hochleistungs¬werkstoffe durch Atomares Design und Defekt-Engineering (ADDE), Teilvorhaben 5: Defect- und Spannungskorrelation von GaN-Schichten auf nanostrukturierten Substraten" SAB project 13762/2337 (Sächsische Landesexzellenzinitiative), duration: 2009-2012
  • "Verbundvorhaben: Identification of the influencing variables of pore formation in stainless steel casting and development of integral prevention measures (alloy - mould construction - mould materials)" - sub-project 3" BMBF project 01RI0724A, duration: 2008-2011
  • "Collaborative project: Recycling of nickel/cobalt/molybdenum and vanadium/tungsten/molybdenum secondary materials, sub-project 1" BMBF project 01RI0723A, duration: 2008-2011
  • "Collaborative project: Nanostructured oxides for influencing the properties of aluminium castings, sub-project 2: Metallurgical basic research" BMBF project 01RI05230, duration: 2006-2009
  • "Vertical gradient freeze-growing without crucible contact" DFG project PA 1236/1-2, duration: 2008-2009
  • "Optimisation of crystal properties in semiconductor growth from the melt" BMWi project 50WM0032, duration: 2000-2008
  • "Vertical gradient freeze growth without crucible contact" DFG project PA 1236/1-1, duration: 2006-2008
  • "Collaborative project: Process-integrated environmental protection in copper metallurgy - closing of metal cycles and reduction of CO2 emissions, sub-project 1: Process engineering fundamentals" BMBF project 01RW0419, duration: 2004 - 2007
  • "Joint project: Recycling of nickel/cobalt/molybdenum and vanadium/tungsten/molybdenum catalysts, sub-project 1" BMBF project 01RW0416, duration: 2004 - 2007
  • "Causes of wetting disorders in the roller coating of metal surfaces" AiF project 14346 BG/2, duration: 2005-2007