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Institute of Nonferrous Metallurgy and High-Purity Materials
Secretariat INEMET - Ledebur Bau
TU Bergakademie Freiberg
Leipziger Str. 34
09599 Freiberg
Tel.: +49 3731 392047

Travelling to Freiberg

Anfahrtskarte für Freiberg

The Institute of Nonferrous Metallurgy and High-Purity Materials is located on the campus of the TU Bergakademie Freiberg in the north-west of the city of Freiberg. It is housed in the Ledebur Building at Leipziger Straße 34 (B101). The Hydrometallurgical Technology Centre, the Crystal Growth Laboratory and the Chemical Analysis Laboratory are located in the adjacent laboratory building. The pyrometallurgical pilot plant is located on the opposite side of the road, about 100 metres into the city, in the "Alte Ofenhalle" (Gellert-Bau extension, Leipziger Straße 23).

Travelling by car

Freiberg in Saxony is located halfway between the cities of Dresden and Chemnitz. The distance to these two cities is around 35 kilometres. Freiberg can be reached via the two federal highways B101 (towards Annaberg-Buchholz and Meißen) and B173 (towards Dresden and Chemnitz), which intersect in the town. There is a connection to the A4 motorway via the Siebenlehn junction (approx. 17 km away).

Travel by train

By train, Freiberg can be reached via the "Sachsen-Franken-Magistrale" Dresden-Nuremberg with regional express trains operated by Deutsche Bahn AG. In addition to these trains, regional trains also run several times a day from Dresden via Freiberg and Chemnitz to Zwickau and back.

Travelling by plane

Freiberg can be reached from the two Saxon airports Leipzig/Halle and Dresden via the A14 and A4 motorways.

From Leipzig/Halle airport, the route to Freiberg leads via the A14 motorway to the Nossen motorway junction. From there, continue on the A4 motorway in the direction of Chemnitz to the Siebenlehn exit and take the B101 federal road to Freiberg.

From Dresden Airport, take the A4 motorway in the direction of Chemnitz to the Siebenlehn exit. From there, Freiberg can be reached via the B101 federal road.

In addition to travelling by car, there are also very good rail connections from the airports via Leipzig, Chemnitz or Dresden to Freiberg.

Campus map with parking facilities

Ein Campusplan mit eingezeichneten Parkmöglichkeiten

Campus map with institute buildings

Campusplan mit eingezeichneten Institutsgebäuden