
Dr. rer. nat. Lesia Sandig-Predzymirska
Arbeitsgruppenleitung End-of-Life (EoL) Recycling
Ledebur-Bau, Zimmer E 22
+49 3731 39-2027
lesia [dot] sandig-predzymirska [at] inemet [dot] tu-freiberg [dot] de
RECYCALYSE "New sustainable and recyclable catalytic materials for proton exchange membrane electrolysers" (EU-Projekt (Horizon 2020) 861960)
- Sandig-Predzymirska L., Barreiros T.V., Thiere A., Weigelt A., Stelter M., Charitos A.: "Verfahren zur Rückgewinnung von Ruthenium aus einem Ruthenium-haltigen Material", DE102022111440
- L. Shevchuk, І. Aftanaziv, О. Strohan, L. Predzymirska, The decision to grant a patent for utility model since 05.09.14. The registration number of the application u 2014 04736 «Vibrating electromagnetic disturbance cavitation device»
- L. Shevchuk, V. Starchevsky І. Aftanaziv, О. Strohan, L. Predzymirska, The decision to grant a patent for utility model since 10.13.14. The registration number of the application u 06230 2014 «Method of vibro cavitation water treatment from biological pollution»
- Julia Melke, Annabelle Maletzko, Eduardo Daniel Gomez Villa, Aline Bornet, Gustav K. H. Wiberg, Matthias Arenz, Lesia Sandig-Predzymirska, Alexandra Thiere, Alexandros Charitos, Michael Stelter, Zhangqi Wang, Simon Pitscheider, Erlend Bertheussen, Christoffer M. Pedersen, Sa´ra Finsdo´ttir, Morten S. Kokborg, Daniel G. Berman, Simone Dalvang, Sebastian S. Müller, Fabian Seidel, Nedjeljko Seselj, Martin Höglinger, Stefan Kartusch, Joshua Eder, Marie Macherhammer, Alexander Trattner, and Christian Kallesøe, Recycalyse – New Sustainable and Recyclable Catalytic Materials for Proton Exchange Membrane Electrolysers, Chem. Ing. Tech. 2024, 96, No. 1–2, 1–18,
- U. Otgonbayar, L. Sandig-Predzymirska, A. Thiere, A. Charitos: Process development for the separation of Pt, Ru, and Ir by solvent extraction, World of Metallurgy - ERZMETALL 76/2023 No. 3, GDMB Verlag GmbH Clausthal-Zellerfeld, 1613-2394, p. 177-183.
- L. Sandig-Predzymirska, T. V. Barreiros, A. Thiere, A. Weigelt, D. Vogt, M. Stelter, A. Charitos: Recycling strategy for the extraction of PGMs from spent PEM electrodes, Proceedings of EMC 2021, GDMB Verlag GmbH, Clausthal-Zellerfeld,pp. 103-114. ISBN: 978-3-940276-96-4.
- M. Anders, A. Schwarzer, E. Brendler, R. Pollex, E. Schumann, L. Sandig-Predzymirska, S. Kaiser, F. Mertens, Bis-(triphanylphosphane) aluminum hydride – a simple way to provide, store, and use non-polymerized alane for synthesis (submitting phase).
- L. Sandig-Predzymirska, J. Ortmeyer, J. Wagler, E. Brendler, F. Habermann, M. Anders, M. Felderhoff, F. Mertens, The direct and reversible hydrogenation of activated aluminium supported by piperidine, Dalton Transactions 2020. DOI: 10.1039/D0DT03175E.
- J. Ortmeyer, A. Bodach, L. Sandig-Predzymirska, B. Zibrowius, F. Mertens, M. Felderhoff, A mechanochemical approach to synthesize the triethylenediamine⋅AlH3 adduct, ChemPhysChem 2019, 20(10), pp. 1360-1368. DOI: 10.1002/cphc.201801093.
- L. Shevchuk, І. Aftanaziv, О. Strohan, L. Predzymirska, Investigation of influence of nitrogen on efficiency of vibro cavitation treatment of dairy factory, Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 2014, 3/6 (69), pp. 43-47.
- O. Kondratovych, I. Koval, V. Kyslenko, L. Shevchuk, L. Predzymirska, N. Maksymiv, Whey disinfection and its properties changed under ultrasonic treatment, Chemistry & Chemical Technology, 2013, 7(2), pp. 185-190.
- Sandig-Predzymirska L.: "Recycling of PGMs – essential step for sustainable hydrogen-based economy", BHT Freiberger Universitätsforum, Juni 2021.
- Sandig-Predzymirska L., Barreiros T. V., Thiere A., Weigelt A., Vogt D., Stelter M., Charitos A.: "Recycling strategy for the extraction of PGMs from spent PEM electrodes", European Metallurgical Conference EMC, Juni 2021.
- L. Sandig-Predzymirska, T. V. Barreiros, A. Weigelt, A. Thiere, M. Stelter, A. Charitos: Recovery of PGMs from end-of-life PEM electrolyzers, GDMB-Fachausschuss Sondermetalle, 22-23.09.2021, Röthenbach.