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Project duration and partners

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Project description

Studies of meteorological parameters in ventilation ducts at the ventilation test stand in the "Reiche Zeche" Research and Training Mine

Dispersion of pollutants / consequences of the change in occupational exposure limits

Demand-orientated ventilation

  • Determination of the dependencies between volume flow and pollutant concentration
  • Influence of the respective weather of the respective weather with weather volume flow control at several tipping points
  • Ratio of pollutant concentration in the downdraughts to pollutant concentration on site

Volume flow development in the extraction area according to the "room-and-pillar" method with installation of weather control elements along the future belt axis

Bewetterung Luttenversuchsstand Reiche Zeche
Bewetterung Software

Dr.-Ing. Franziska Günther

TU Bergakademie Freiberg
Institute of Mining Engineering and Special Civil Engineering
Chair for Underground Mining Methods

Research and Training Mine "Reiche Zeche"
Fuchsmühlenweg 9
09599 Freiberg

+49 3731 39-2150
Franziska [dot] Guenther [at] mabb [dot] tu-freiberg [dot] de (Franziska[dot]Guenther[at]mabb[dot]tu-freiberg[dot]de)

Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Weyer

TU Bergakademie Freiberg
Institute of Mining Engineering and Special Civil Engineering
Chair for Underground Mining Methods

Research and Training Mine "Reiche Zeche"
Fuchsmühlenweg 9
09599 Freiberg

+49 3731 39-2513
Juergen [dot] Weyer [at] mabb [dot] tu-freiberg [dot] de (Juergen[dot]Weyer[at]mabb[dot]tu-freiberg[dot]de)