MOVIE - Modell coupling in the context of a Virtual underground laboratory and its development process
Project duration and partners
2024 to 2027 - BMBF, TU Clausthal
Project description
MOVIE is a project funded by the BMBF as part of the specialist programme Geo Research for Sustainability (GEO:N) on the topic of "Digital Geosystems: Virtual Methods and Digital Tools for Geoscientific Applications".
The project aims to develop a virtual laboratory for underground cavities in order to support teaching, research and training in the field of sustainable mining practice and thus promote efficient and responsible management of underground systems. The digital twin in the form of the virtual laboratory is based on a software solution from Terranigma Solutions GmbH that is to be expanded and will be set up and improved using a database generated from the real underground laboratory set up specifically for the project in the "Reiche Zeche" research and training mine.
In the context of underground management, previous simulation models consider individual issues of geology, cavity geometry, weather technology/flow mechanics and geomechanics in the respective partial models. A holistic model coupling, on the other hand, enables a better analysis of the system interrelationships and the interdependencies between the models, such as the effects of different spatial resolutions. In the MOVIE project, a hybrid model based on artificial intelligence methods is used to optimise the computing time for these simulation models so that they can be used interactively in the virtual laboratory. A retrospective simulation approach is used so that the predictions made on the basis of historical data can be compared with the current measurements from the real underground laboratory and the resulting delta can be used to calibrate the model.
In this context, a virtual laboratory can be used as a digital twin for the evaluation of various measures, for effective public or targeted communication and for internal purposes. The potential of virtual laboratories is seen in (active) mining and custody operations or in related authorisation procedures with a view to improving efficiency, safety and effectiveness.

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Helmut Mischo, Pr.Eng.
TU Bergakademie Freiberg
Institute of Mining Engineering and Special Civil Engineering
Chair for Underground Mining Methods
Research and Training Mine "Reiche Zeche"
Fuchsmühlenweg 9
09599 Freiberg
+49 3731 39-2044
Helmut [dot] Mischo [at] mabb [dot] tu-freiberg [dot] de (Helmut[dot]Mischo[at]mabb[dot]tu-freiberg[dot]de)